This is where you read revenge stories about families and life

Real people have written in to ask The Revenge Guy for advice so they can get revenge on family members, you can read their stories here.

You date, you get intimate, you get married, you break up or divorce. This is what happens next.

People that have been dating or married have written in to ask The Revenge Guy for advice so they can get revenge on ex friends, boyfriends and girlfriends, spouses that are now exes, and this is what I told them.

Work Sucks! And having Bad Co-Workers and Bad Bosses Makes It Even Worse!

People that have jobs write in to ask The Revenge Guy for advice so they can get revenge on their workplace, businesses that have done them wrong, as well as revenge on people they work with.

Free Funny Award Certificates

Free Prank Award Certificates That Are Downloadable and Printable

Visitors to this website have asked for fun printable pranks so The Revenge Guy is giving you these prank award certificates to download for free! Easy to download PDFs are ready to print and customize or just download to your device and share by SMS or email.

The Revenge Guy wouldn’t have bothered to make these for you if he wasn’t sure you’re going to have a lot of fun with these award certificates, so get started and download one, or more, now and surprise some deserving person with an award suited to their special skills. Feel free to take a picture at the award ceremony and send it to me at

Let us know of any special requests for a prank award certificate and we will do our best to create one for you.

Terms of use: These prank award certificates downloads are free. You are allowed to use them for entertainment purposes only. No liability is assumed, implied or actually in place by The Revenge Guy, partners and affiliates due to the use or misuse of them.
Printing from home or office: Use high-quality card or art paper for best results.
FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY – items cannot be resold. 
How to download and use these free award certificate pranks: Click the blue download icon and save the PDF award to your computer or device, print out or share PDF. Optional: add your award prank victim’s name and give it to them.

Always Hangry Award Certificate (Female)

Give this Award to family, friends and co-workers! Picture of a hungry woman is on the certificate.

This certificate says: ALWAYS HANGRY – For the person who gets cranky when they are hungry and needs a snack

Print this certificate out and write in your prank victim’s name then you just need to plan your award ceremony.

Note: The prank award certificate is in PDF format, ready to print to 8.5″ X 11″ letter size paper. Use colored paper for the best attention getting effect.

Always Hangry Award Certificate (Male)

Give this Award to family, friends and co-workers! Picture of a hungry man is on the certificate.

This certificate says: ALWAYS HANGRY – For the person who gets cranky when they are hungry and needs a snack

Print this certificate out and write in your prank victim’s name then you just need to plan your award ceremony.

Certificate of Non-Participation Appreciation

“And this award goes to — the most useless person here!”

This certificate says: Certificate of Non-Participation Appreciation – Thank you for staying out of the way and allowing competent people to do what was needed without interference

Print this certificate out and write in your prank victim’s name then you just need to plan your award ceremony.

Certificate of Official Notice of Work Ethic

Give this Award to deserving co-workers, I’m sure you have at least one name you’ve thought of already.

This certificate says: CERTIFICATE OF OFFICIAL NOTICE – This is to certify that… (name)… your work ethic has been noticed and further investigation will soon be announced

Print this certificate out and write in your prank victim’s name then you just need to plan your award ceremony.

Clock Watcher Award

Sometimes they’re your best friend/coworker, because they hustle you off your shift and remind you there is a life outside of work and the bosses don’t pay overtime. Other times, they’re just annoying, doing nothing but watching the clock tick closer to quitting time, doing f-ck all for a lot of the time.

This certificate says: Clock Watcher Award – For the person who always knows when it’s time for lunch or quitting time

Print this certificate out and write in your prank victim’s name then you just need to plan your award ceremony.

Coffee Spiller Award (Female)

You know this woman… you’ve seen her at work… you’ve even had to help them clean up the disaster they’ve made when they spilled their coffee (or some other liquid) on important equipment or possessions.

This certificate says: THE COFFEE SPILLER AWARD OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT – For the person who spills coffee on their desk, keyboard, or papers more often than anyone else

Print this certificate out and write in your prank victim’s name then you just need to plan your award ceremony.

Coffee Spiller Award (Male)

You know this man… you’ve seen him at work… you’ve even had to help them clean up the disaster they’ve made when they spilled their coffee (or some other liquid) on important equipment or possessions.

This certificate says: THE COFFEE SPILLER AWARD OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT – For the person who spills coffee on their desk, keyboard, or papers more often than anyone else

Print this certificate out and write in your prank victim’s name then you just need to plan your award ceremony.

Emoji Communicator Award

Emoji’s have taken over… the proof is that this award is available and the very real need for it to exists and for the people that need to receive this award actually will appreciate receiving it.

This certificate says: EMOJI COMMUNICATOR AWARD – For the person who uses emojis more than words in their messages

Print this certificate out and write in your prank victim’s name then you just need to plan your award ceremony.

Firestarter Award

You just can’t stand this person because… if starting a controversy earned extra pay, they’d be the highest paid person on the job. They ALWAYS have something to say about everything, and it’s usually contrary to everyone else (and common sense). They deserve this award!

This certificate says: FIRESTARTER AWARD OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT – For the person who likes to stir up controversy and debate at work

Print this certificate out and write in your prank victim’s name then you just need to plan your award ceremony.

Human Megaphone Achievement Award

“Exposure to the loud voiced!” screams The Revenge Guy. When I worked in an office, I hated this guy… always on the phone… always not work related… and so loud that they have people on another floor looking over their shoulders… this would have been the perfect way to “out him” and finally, maybe, put him in his place. 

This certificate says: Human Megaphone Award – This award is presented for talking so loudly on the phone that everyone knows you are/aren’t working and sharing things best left unsaid

Print this certificate out and write in your prank victim’s name then you just need to plan your award ceremony.

Office Prankster Award

“I really hope you have a coworker that deserves this award… it’s the only way I survived my office work years was the guys and girls that had a joke at the ready and kept work bearable.

This certificate says: Office Prankster Award – For the person who loves to play jokes on their coworkers and make them laugh

Print this certificate out and write in your prank victim’s name then you just need to plan your award ceremony.

X-Rated Content Award

“It’s time you stopped complaining, stopped reporting them to Human Resources, and gave them an award… something that showcases their special power… which is to piss off everyone on the chat list. 

This certificate says: X-Rated Content Award – For the person who shares inappropriate or risqué material on the office chat group

Print this certificate out and write in your prank victim’s name then you just need to plan your award ceremony.

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