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How to Get Revenge on Your Neighbor

Neighbors are mostly nice, but bad neighbors need to be dealt with.

Except for getting even with the other woman, dealing with bad, annoying and noisy neighbors because of the noise they make, where they park, how they manage their landscaping (and a lot more!), getting even with your neighbors has a lot of revenge requests.

Whether your nightmare neighbor is next door or across the street, we have the solution.

I can tell you, to start with, you need to have your ducks in a row (a great revenge plan ready before you start it) and strong evidence on your side as you take on these bad neighbors and get even with them.

  • Have outdoor video and record your bad neighbors
  • Keep records of all incidents (The Revenge Guy has a journal for that) and write down dates, times and people involved every time there’s an issue with your bad neighbor
  • Know your local laws and how to fight your bad neighbor legally
  • Make friends with the good neighbors and shut down the bad neighbors

You’ll need these things should you end up calling the police or in court, which is always an option. Handling these issues legally should always be the first step. And here is how to handle noisy neighbors, if that’s your issue. If you’re not sure if your neighbor is a bad neighbor, here’s a list of neighbor complaints to compare with your situation.

Send The Revenge Guy a Message If You Need Personalized Help With Your Neighbor From Hell

Getting Even With Obnoxious, Jerk Neighbors

You know the type, they think they’re king or queen of the neighborhood, when really everyone hates them and can’t wait for them to move or die.

  • How to get revenge on neighbors: Get some beef stock bouillon cubes and scatter them across their lawn before rains, any animals will dig through the grass to find the source of the food smell
  • Or, you can get some borax dry bleach and write out a message that will slowly write itself as the bleach becomes activated by the moist soil
  • Sign them up for home visits from a religious group
  • If they go away on holidays for a few days, scatter bird seed all over their backyard and give them lots of bird poop to clean up when they come back home
  • Put up a fake ad of their house for sale, at a very discounted price
  • Unscrew their garden house, pour salt in the hose and put it back in place, their grass will slowly die from all the salt

Deal with People That Park Their Car in Front of Your House

Neighbors, friends of neighbors, and even complete strangers can be assholes. There, I’ve said it! But when they park in front of your house, leaving you no space for your own family and friends to park in front of your house, you have every right to do something about it. But first, speak with them (if they seem nice) and let them know why parking in front of your house is not a friendly idea. And if they ignore you, well we have some work to do.

  • How to get revenge on people that park in front of your house: Check the local laws and find out if they even can legally park in front of your house
  • Get yourself a “No Parking” sign made and put it up. And print out a card that says you’re allowed to park there too and leave it on your dashboard
  • Park in front of your own house even if your driveway has space, take up the spot so they have to park elsewhere and maybe they’ll get used to parking there
  • Park in front of their house, see how they like it
  • Mark the parking spot with spray paint and put there a construction cone, maybe they’ll think the city is doing some work on the street and leave you alone
  • Call a tow truck and have them towed in the middle of the night
  • Place fake parking tickets on their car windshield

More Bad Neighbor Revenge Ideas: Revenge on Neighbors

There are all kinds of things that neighbors will do to annoy you, so here are some fixes.

  • Did they put up a new outdoor light that shines on your house? Get a mirror and shine it right back on them
  • Hack their WiFi and lock out all of their own devices from accessing the internet (check for common default logins such as admin on IP or some variation)
  • Freeze some urine on a plate and leave the pee ice on their outdoor furniture overnight
  • Put up posters announcing a garage sale at their home, starting nice and early
  • Neighbor dog pooing on your yard? Gather it up and save it until you have a good amount, then smear it on their driveway around their car
  • Dump dry instant mashed potato flakes on their lawn and wait for the next rain or when they water their lawn, the destruction will follow
  • Toilet paper their trees, shrubs, even the front doorway (with some added water so the tp sticks really well)
  • Before winter spread birdseed all over their lawn. The grass will hide it and over winter the animals will tear their lawn apart
  • Pour dry beef-stock or liquid Bovril (beef seasoning) on their lawn, any animals coming near the beef smell will dig into their lawn looking for a beefy meal

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Stories About Getting Revenge on Neighbors

I Bought a Car Then
I Bought a Used Car, Then...
Dear Revenge Guy, I bought a car from neighbor for $2,250. The deal was I would make payments to him...
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Neighbors Can Be Bullies
Neighbors Can Be Bullies
I hate the people that want to run your life from their home or apartment. Let’s get’em!!!!! ...
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How I Got Revenge On My Evil Neighbor
How I Got Revenge On My Evil Neighbor
She had called the cops on us 4 times, and as we were very quiet, clean people the cops just left right...
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Neighbors and Family Close and Far Can Be Awful
Neighbors and Family Close and Far Can Be Awful
Getting even with bad neighbors is a tough fight… it can take years… so document everything…...
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Neighbors Parking in Front of Our House Troubles
Neighbors Parking in Front of Our House Troubles
Dear RG,  We own a house in the city and all the neighbors park their cars from across the street...
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Summertime and the Neighbors are Having a Party
Summertime and the Neighbors are Having a Party
One of the biggest complaints I receive, once the weather is warm and we’re getting ourselves out...
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