Dear Revenge Guy, I’m all just about ready to start shoving nasty smelly cheese under this woman’s door.
Please help me think of a better strategy.
My Husband and I own a condo in the city – we are the oldest condo owners in this 24 unit building. A new owner has come in (about 2 years ago) and decided to be on the Condo Board. There were 5 once on the board. 2 have moved. Now down to 3. One does not even live in the building anymore and he is silent.. Which is bullshit.
Moving on… The first woman is now president of the Condo Board Association – Architect. Doesn’t know squat about construction OR how to save money. Second woman moved in a year and a half ago – Attorney.
The two woman now run this board. She has been making every decision and does not invite us to the meetings. We have certain rights to some decisions as owners… For example – the hallways are getting painted today with OUR MONEY.
Who was the one who got to choose the color? Back to this miserable woman… From day one she has been making everyone’s live a miserable hell. We have had a leak in our closet & bathroom for the past 4 years. This is the third time we are redoing our ceiling. We have been trying to get this fixed for quite some time. Since before she was even a thought. The roof was started on, & the guys fucked it up.
They left with half the money and the roof is still messed up. No apologies.. & there went our money. I’m a realtor my husband is a contractor. We are in this business. He especially has been in it and is amazing at what he does. He knows the ins and outs like it’s nobody’s business. This woman just has a stick up her ass. Now, the roof is finally going to get redone. GREAT- We have a guy that put a bid on it. We learned that she wanted her roof deck to be completely redone and her sliding doors to be replaced.
This is bullshit.
My building has 4 floors. I’m on the third opposite end of her unit. The 4th floor has a small empty spot by the stairwell where she has taken over for her own personal things. How can I start doing things to her with out her knowing it was deliberately done by one person. When she first moved here my husband showed her EVERYTHING and answered any question she’s had.
Showed her where certain switches are. The whole shebang. Now that she is president she dis-includes him in everything and wants it all done her way. She knows my husband is right… about everything. Her pride exceeds her.
PLEASE. Tell me any ideas you might have at getting back at her.
Thanks & Regards, Unhappy Condo Owner
Hi Unhappy,
You need to carefully read the condo association rules and condo board covenant.
If needed, have a lawyer familiar with condo associations review these documents with you.
A condo board requires a certain number of members, each with a vote. Indeed, every owner has membership. You can always have them sign voter proxies so that you can change the board, maybe even kick her out.
Depending on how the rules have been laid out, this bitch being president may have personal liabilities in the decisions she makes, it’s something to look into. Know these rules, inside and out. Go after her with fines and penalties for the hallway storage issue. Play by the rules and maybe she will sell.
Good luck!