Hello RG,
I wanted to know how can you help me with a issue.
My wife’s co-worker staged a unprofessional attitude to get fired from her job on purpose so she can get unemployment because herself and her husband started a YouTube page for profit. We didn’t care until she just recently got fired for this behavior. The same day after she was fired, they made a YouTube video on their channel saying that she was fired for no reason so they can make people feel sorry for them and gain a false profit.
This is so wrong. I want to know how can you expose this couple so there subscribers will unsubscribe from there channel so they will make take money from hard working people without them knowing that it was us that exposed them.
Thank you
Hi D,
Unless this woman has millions of subscribers the money she makes will be very, very low from YouTube.
I would certainly let the legal department of your wife’s work aware of the video, if it’s untrue this woman is in a world of trouble. Most companies carefully document an employee’s behavior, professionalism and competence so they do have the ammunition when someone needs to be terminated with cause so they can avoid paying out severance and other benefits, and make sure they do not receive unemployment benefits.
Exposure will work wonders for putting this bad ex-co-worker in her place. Feel free to report the video too. Your report is anonymous and “free speech” does not allow for publishing untruths, despite what radicals and politicians like to sometimes tell us.
I hope this helps,