These are the ones that got caught. Many get away. If you have any tips about crime contact your local CrimeStoppers.
Spanish Singer Fakes Kidnapping In a desperate to get money to produce her album she flies to the Dominican Republic and has her boyfriend call her father demanding a ransom. No word on what the album might have been called and I think that “Jailhouse Rock” is already taken.
World’s Worst Dog Owner If you’re going to get your dog high it’s probably not a good idea to make a video and post it to Facebook like this Michigan gal did. How would you like this type of notoriety to follow you through life?
Movie Pirate Get’s Caught Using Hacker Name on Dating Site If you’re going to pirate a movie and release it to the world, as this guy did with the first pirate copy of fast & Furious, don’t reuse the hacker name you used to distribute the file. ‘Thecod3r’ can now have a unique number on all his clothes courtesy of the local jail system.
Sandwich Stealing Co-worker Dealt With Now, my friends, this is how you handle things when someone at work keeps stealing your lunch. Congrats to the HR department for bringing this lunchtime crime wave to an end.
Revenge Guy