Life is hard enough without doing stupid things that intentionally cause others grief and you to go to jail.
These are the criminals I’m talking about:
Mailman calls cops on meth users freaking out If you’re going to do drugs the first thing is do it somewhere safe, like at home. The second thing is close all the windows. The third thing is not freak out and start waving guns and knives at the imaginary intruders trying to get you. At least these bozos are safely in stir now.
When your child is missing don’t go on stage while on the phone with the police Yes, this mother reported her child missing since she wasn’t home when she was supposed to be. That’s good. But she hung up on the police because it was her turn to get on the stage for her strip show. That’s bad. Now mom is arrested and child is safely elsewhere.
“Kid, you stink” says teacher, “when did you last have a bath?” Student replies “I don’t remember.” Yup, mom arrested for child neglect. And they say kids say the funniest things. Ugh.