This is where you read revenge stories about families and life

Real people have written in to ask The Revenge Guy for advice so they can get revenge on family members, you can read their stories here.

You date, you get intimate, you get married, you break up or divorce. This is what happens next.

People that have been dating or married have written in to ask The Revenge Guy for advice so they can get revenge on ex friends, boyfriends and girlfriends, spouses that are now exes, and this is what I told them.

Work Sucks! And having Bad Co-Workers and Bad Bosses Makes It Even Worse!

People that have jobs write in to ask The Revenge Guy for advice so they can get revenge on their workplace, businesses that have done them wrong, as well as revenge on people they work with.

Ex-Boyfriends And Ex-Girlfriends

The Revenge Guy needs your help to get the word out, please share this story!

The Revenge Guy Helps You Get Even With Ex-Boyfriends and Ex-Girlfriends 

Need a little help getting even with an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend that has done you wrong? Do you want some break-up revenge advice?

Maybe an oldie but a goodie revenge technique is just what you need to help you get even and regain your stature as an important person. If you need help breaking up with someone, take a look at The Revenge Guy’s Break-up Lines.

Dear Revenge GuyHi RG,
I dated this guy who is one hell of a player.

He only dates newly divorced women who own houses so he has a place to stay.

He’s very smooth & takes women for all they have. He preys on the vulnerable.

He moves in stays a couple of years & then looks for his next victim when women start running out of money.

He is a heavy drinker has had several DUIs.

He is the most romantic and attentive guy. Women don’t spot his game because they are so vulnerable.

When they figure it out he has already got his hooks in them & the next victim on the line. He moved from my house directly into someone else’s. He still calls for booty. How do we stop this con artist?
Sharon B.

Revenge JokerHi Sharon,
First off, I would place a classified ad in your local newspaper, in the legal section, in the form of:
To whom it may concern, be it known that from the date of January 1 2009 9Your Name) will no longer be responsible for the debts of (his name).

This type of legal financial withdrawal of responsibility will get his name on notice with many legal and financial institutions and it makes a great start.

Then, anything that he has left at your place I would sell on eBay and be sure to include, with each auction, a note on how you came to be in possession of the item and why. This gives you the arena to tell your story as well as having it publicly displayed to thousands of eyes.

As for warning women in the future, the best thing to do is find the women from his past, share stories and come together as a group to publicly out this womanizing bastard. He gives all men a bad reputation!
Best wishes,

Dear Revenge GuyHi RG,
I have a few questions.

My husband of 18 years cheated on me and I want to find a legal way of getting revenge on the girl he cheated with.

She copied pictures and videos of them together on his memory card so I would find them.

So I have these pics of her and would like to know if I could get in trouble with the law if I posted a myspace or a ad on craigslist about her and posted her pics on there and what she is known for doing (sleeping with married men and trying to blackmail them if they get out of the relationship).

I would also like to run flyers off and say lost dog cause in several of the pics she is holding her dog and then write last seen humping peoples husbands and distribute the flyers around places where it is known she hangs out.

I live in XXXXXXX and am not sure what the laws are as far as getting in trouble.

Please let me know if these things are legal and I can do these without getting in trouble with the law.
ready for revenge

Revenge JokerHi Ready,
Generally, if you publish the truth you are not breaking the law.

I would check your states laws concerning the laws of privacy of person, which may or may not apply.

A website? Sure I’d do that.

Here’s a tip:
You could go to and buy a website name.

It’s very easy to do. When buying the web site (domain) name also purchase the “private registration” option which hides your identity of ownership. No one will know who owns the website.

Then purchase the hosting package for the website that includes the website creator. This is also very easy to do and you will have a website up in a matter of minutes. Once that is completed you will have a private, secure place to post all you want about this awful woman.

Keep to what you know, not what you guess at, and you’ll be quite safe, I would think.

And talk to your divorce lawyer about other options.
Best wishes,

Dear Revenge GuyDear Revenge Guy,
About a year ago, my closest friend and roommate began to date a fantastic and hilarious guy!

It’s rare that I find someone with as ridiculous as a sense of humor as I, so I was very excited about this new addition.

We began to hang out with some of his friends on occasion and I found myself having the same witty repertoire with his closest friend, lets call him Jed. Jed, however, was in the midst of a rocky relationship, lets call her Crazy.

Every time Jed and I were in the same social scene, Crazy would show up, and I would here about how they “broke up! through the grape vine (this happened 5 or so times).

She had a reputation for being high maintenance, in every sense of the word, and often ruined entire evenings for herself, her man, and everyone within a 10 foot radius.

I eventually got tired of the story and stopped hanging out with the group all together. I am not going to lie like I didn’t flirt, but I am flirt by nature and it was harmless fun. I was dating others and not looking for the drama!

Fast forward… eventually they do actually break up, and shortly afterwards Jed and I begin our flirtation once again!

Before long, we are forced to admit that we do actually have an attraction to one another and begin a relationship of sort. I make it clear that I will not be a rebound, that I want to take things slow because of the sensitivity of the situation, and that I do not want to flaunt our affection. I also make it clear that I am apprehensive that the whole thing is a bad idea (which it was).

He says that their relationship should have been over long ago and that its sad, but that he is over it. He makes her out to be kind of an immature pain. All his friends come out cheering that its finally over.

Anywho, Jed is persuasive, and before long I am neck deep in an intense romance.

But Crazy will not leave me (or us) alone. She texts him all the time, she talks shit about me (clearly the slut) to anyone who will listen, she screams her hatred at all his friends who associate with me in the slightest, and she writes mean things about me by name online.

At first, I feel sorry for her. The broken heart is a horrible thing. Eventually I get tired of it. It rules our relationship. Every time we’re out, his phone will ring over and over. I find that I am obsessed with it. I begin to lose my cool!

Long story short, just when enough time has pasted where the harassment seems to be slowing down, she goes through a horrible family tragedy. He is there for her, 100 percent, as if a boyfriend, at her beck and call.

I support this as best as I can because I care for him and appreciate that his is a caring guy, although I express my discomfort with it. I have been cheated on. Immediately, he begins to be distant and confused.

So, after a month of waiting for things to get better, bending over backwards to do/ act in the appropriate manner, I break it off. I say I love him and want to be with him, but can’t stand the drama anymore. I say that I hope he takes him to think about what he really wants. This breaks my heart.

Within two weeks, they are back together. There reunion is totally under the radar though. (I’d be embarrassed about that too)

I am humiliated and, to be honest, heart broken. I turned the other cheek through every single bit of the whole situation out of respect for him and our mutual friends.

I have still walked away with class, so that our friends don’t feel uncomfortable. But I am pissed… just livid. If you go back to the ex, I’m not even a rebound… I’m just a short hiatus.

Believe me, I know that I am better off. I am more than a few leagues up from Crazy, in looks, intelligence, maturity and general personality. (as one friend put it UPGRADE). But SERIOUSLY!!!!! I fell in love and then got pulled into a episode of Young and the Restless… and that shit is not fair.

Now I have to maneuver social outings like its a covert operation and just pretend that my feelings aren’t hurt. To review: my roommate is his best friends girlfriend. I hear about him and his life all the time. Its not out of sight, out of mind.
So how do I get revenge? Just wait and assume they are miserable?
-just call me drama

Revenge JokerHi drama,
Yes, that lying ass sure did put you through the wringer.

And you know he’s just going to pay and pay in his relationship with CRAZY. So I would feed on it.

You know he’s a flirt. You know he’ll likely cheat on her, and maybe even CRAZY will cheat on him.

I’d use that info to my advantage since they are always hanging out with your group of friends.

Introduce him to other women, have a guy friend of yours pass the word to other guys that CRAZY is easy when she’s had a few drinks.

Let the players play, so to speak.

And enjoy the entertainment and your complete revenge.

Best wishes,
The Revenge Guy

Dear Revenge GuyHi Revenge Guy,
I am tired of trying to turn the other cheek with this nut case. I have been married to my husband for 10 years and this psycho just won’t go away.

We have ignored her and we don’t answer our phones when it is not a listed number, but lately she is getting worse.

6 weeks ago she moved in 2 blocks from our home where we have lived for 7 years now. She is renting this house and although she will be evicted within 8 months to a year for not pay ing rent, I don’t know if I can take this that long. She is driving my husband and I crazy. She calls our home at least every other day.

Since she has moved in she has egged our cars, shown up to our church and spit on the door handles of our cars, called our cell phones at midnight and played porn over the line, and last weekend stole and broke our Christmas yard ornaments. Every time she passes us on the road or sees us it gets her going again. She has called the police on my husband over and over making up stories that he has choked her or hit her, etc….when he is no where near her and will not even answer her calls. I have been keeping a diary of all of her psycho acts for years, but without a ton of money, there is not much that I can do.

My husband had 3 children with her, of which we have custody of all 3. The oldest boy is now 17 1/2 and he ran away from home to live with her last May because he did not want all the responsibility that we expected him to have (like going to school) and his mom lets him stay up and get drunk with her boyfriend who is only 7 years older than my husband’s son. They also have twin daughters that are 14 and they can not stand their mom and have refused to see her. She even called the police and tried to force them to go, but the girls refused and the police told her that they would not force them to go. (After all, we are not forcing the boy to move back in with us).

Anyway, this psycho will just not leave us alone and continues to do more and more hateful things to us. I thought that if we ignored it, she would stop, but it just seems to be getting worse. I also have a son of my own that is one year older than another daughter she has by another man, so now her daughter is going to the same school as my son and it makes me very nervous.

As I said, I have turned the other cheek and ignored it for a long time now and I am tired of allowing her to do hateful things to all of us. She parks her car in the garage all the time so I can not get to it. Any ideas?

Revenge JokerHi TRM,
I really feel for you.
Bearing the brunt of these lunatic actions cannot be easy.
She was obviously hurt in the divorce…. Which we can now use against her.
You need to start sending her letters…. Anonymously… From an admirer.
Leave hints in the cards, notes and small gifts that they are from someone she knows at work, grocery shopping, getting her hair done… Whatever.
Once attention is focused back on her she’ll likely lose interest in you and your husband.

Best wishes,
The Revenge Guy

Dear Revenge GuyDear Revenge Guy,
My boyfriend’s sister (we’ll call her Kara) just broke up with her boyfriend of 2 years, but he’s not the problem. She started dating a new guy (we’ll call him Boy).

Boy was so sweet to her at first, but we all started to suspect that he had a few girls ‘on the side’. Kara’s mother, Kara’s brother, and I began looking at Boy’s online profile and saw he had a lot of messages from different girls.

About 2 months past and Kara saw a message that was from another girl saying “I’m glad you’re all mine and I love coming to see you at your dirtbike races”. Boy is an avid dirtbike rider, yet he was lying to Kara saying he was going riding when really, he was going to see these other girls.

We all were thinking of how to get him back and many ideas came to mind like forking his lawn, and putting garbage all around his personal racetrack he has for riding in his backyard. We really wanted to do something to his track…. any ideas?

Revenge JokerHi Person With No Name,
The solution is:
Bird seed.
Scatter large handfuls of it on the sidelines of the track, in the center of the track if it’s grassy.

Once the birds start getting fed regularly it’s hard to get rid of them.

There will be bird poop everywhere and in the air.
And bird seed is small enough that it can be discreetly tossed around and unless you’re looking for it, you’ll never notice it.

Best wishes,
The Revenge Guy

Dear Revenge GuyDear Revenge Guy,
I recently just had a large break up with my ex. Not really bothered about the split as I wanted to end it anyway. The thing is I seem to have substantially lost out on the whole thing.

Well it all started one night at my parents house when we’d both got back from a heavy night out we started arguing and eventually things got quite violent on her behalf, she not only broke the skin on my back biting me but has also left pretty bad marks on my neck from digging her nails in my throat, I know psycho.
Anyhow in the struggle while I was trying to defend myself without hurting her I accidentally caught her with my ring and scratched her arm.

Now the real problem arises, when I told her to get out of my house on her way out, as she was unaccompanied by me she managed to steal a £300 Mp3/movie player and my mobile phone. The next day I contacted the police and due to lack of evidence nothing was done about the missing items.

The items were probably dumped so I would doubt any chance of getting them back. Not only this but the girl reported me to the police for assault on her, which due to overwhelming evidence on my behalf she was laughed out of the station, never the less it still has damaged my reputation considerably in my local town.

I’m sure you can now see why I need revenge on this girl and maybe someway of getting some compensation for the £300 mp3 player. Now I just wanna let you know incase there is something I can do with it, that I have a cheque from her that was wrote by me but signed by her as a joke for £500 pounds, that she thought I threw away but I always kept. It’s 8 month old so I don’t know if it is still valid and I know she doesn’t have any money in her account. also I don’t want to get in any trouble in the process.
Please help me. Thank you.

Hi M,
Breakups always lead to bad feelings, rash actions and trouble in the future when they are handled the way yours was. Violence begets violence. Revenge begets revenge.

But, since she started it, let’s move ahead with how to get her back.

First off: Cash the check. At the very minimum she’ll have an insufficient funds charge to deal with from her bank.

In your local paper place the following ad:
Found – My self-respect, my self-esteem and my freedom. After finally wrenching free of the (describe her here) boat anchor that was around my neck, I am a new man. But I did lose (describe the items here) in the process. If you have seen them please send a message to Box #… (rent a box number from the newspaper where you place the ad).

This will work great if your town is as small as you say it is, because everyone will read this!

Best wishes,
The Revenge Guy

Dear Revenge GuyHi Revenge Guy-
I dated a guy who agreed to be exclusive with me. I started getting a weird vibe after a while that he wasn’t being or didn’t really want to be exclusive and we had a lot of arguments about it.

One day I snooped in his email and found a racy email he had written to a female “friend”. He abruptly broke it off.

About a year later he admitted he had never wanted to be exclusive and only agreed to because he didn’t think I would date (f***?) him otherwise.
Any suggestions how to get this bastard back?

Revenge JokerHi L,
Some guys are just creeps, after one thing and will do anything to get it.
It’s too bad you had to resort to ‘snooping’ to find out that he was two-timing you, that he couldn’t be honest with you.
Now it’s a year later and you want revenge? Good girl, revenge is best served cold and a year later should keep you out of the prime suspects list.

Here’s what you do:
Call up the local health board, tell them he has an STD. They’ll call him in for a test and a talk. Call up his current girlfriend, tell her the same story.

Tell all your friends how small his manhood is…. tell your friends, tell strangers, post it on websites with a picture of him. use newsgroups, they’re great. Be sure to go online somewhere safe, like an Internet cafe or library.
Best wishes,
The Revenge Guy

Dear Revenge GuyRevenge Guy… first off, great website. I just stumbled across it this afternoon and am glad I did. Here is my situation.

A couple of years ago, my two younger cousins got the best of me at a family-get-together, Thanksgiving I believe.

Anyway, they talked me into playing a game of “Spoons” with them. I am sure you know what this is, however, I did not.
Let me explain just in case you haven’t heard of this horrible game. Two people kneel facing each other.

A large metal spoon is presented. In turn, as one person lowers their head, the other places the spoon in their mouth and tries to whack the other in the head with the spoon (this is actually quite hard to do just so you know).

Then the guy who just got whacked places the spoon in his mouth as the other bows down and whacks the guy in return. This goes on till one person gives up.

The two brothers (my cousins) totally embellished this story of how one of the brothers (tommy) was the best in his school at this game and how he had the technique down perfectly. I went first, I placed the spoon in my mouth, took a few practice swings (nods) and hit him in the head.

Needless to say, I didn’t hit him all that hard. Then it was his turn. I bowed down, he placed the spoon in his mouth, and all the sudden, whack! It hurt like Hell!!! I turned around immediately suspecting the other cousin of hitting me with a separate spoon, but he was a few feet away and everyone in my family (they were all in the room watching) said he had done nothing of the sort and that Tommy had indeed hit me with the spoon in his mouth. I proceeded to take my turn.

As I was prepping, they were all giving me advise on technique… how to properly whip my neck to get the maximum force out of a hit and such. Again, a dull thud… not hard at all.

So again, I bowed down and took my hit. Whack!!! Again it hurt like hell. I looked again for an accomplice to my obvious beating, but again the family claimed that Tommy used the spoon in his mouth to hit me. This went on for some time till I finally realized that I just wasn’t able to get the technique down and gave up.

Well, a few weeks later the family got together again for a family BBQ. When I arrived, everyone was in the living room watching the TV. To my horror, someone had videotaped the whole game a few weeks earlier and was showing it. I saw myself placing the spoon in my mouth, taking a few practice swings, then quite lamely bonking my cousin on his head.

Then I see me bowing down to receive my blow. I was very interested at this point; wanting to see exactly how he was achieving these very hard blows to my head. And as he whips the spoon down, it misses me, but I see my other cousin lean in and hit me with a large spoon he had hidden behind his back! Then of course, the whole family broke into uncontrollable laughter.


How could I have fallen for this? I thought this was the deal from the start when playing the game a few weeks earlier, but I had my whole family assuring me the game was legit and I simply wasn’t using the right technique. I was pissed, but it being family and all, I put on as if I thought it were funny and took it in stride.

I told them good job for getting me and let it go. But I didn’t let it go. Since then, I have been trying to find a way to get even with these two little punks. A couple of years and many family gatherings have passed by, so they are not on their guard. Now is the time to strike!

I need a good way to get even with these two…. and maybe even with the whole family.

I’ve read your other posts and I understand that this is not very serious.

Nobody ruined my life or anything like that, but none the less, I want to get even. Just remember, this is family… I don’t want anyone to be permanently hurt or anything like that, but I would love to get my revenge. Any ideas?
Taken by Family

Hi Taken,
This type of revenge requires expert timing, believable storylines and and investment in time and money.

Are you up to it?

I know you are. What’s a couple of hundred dollars when revenge is needed, right?
Taken, this is what you do:
You’re going to set yourself up as a “jackpot winner” along the lines of the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes ™. By this what I mean is for your next family gathering your going to have people come to the door to hand you a $30 million dollar check in a believable format. Then you’re going to make the two cousins beg for a dime from you. And anyone else you want to involve this in.

This is what you’ll need:
– A printer to print a 4 foot large check for $30 million dollars.

– Hire 3 actors (with cameras, tuxedo and appropriate script) for the knock on the door and recording the prize awarding event. A rental van with a “Sweepstakes Patrol” sign on the side would be great too!

– A family event to spring this on everyone.

At the family event you’ll start a sob story about your life. You’re a loser, etc. hard times, girls, job, everything sucks… everyone will hate you, you’re such a sop. Carry on for a while. You might want to practice this.

Timing is everything.

Then comes the prize patrol… just when everyone hates you.

The $30 million prize should give you a few hours of absolute torture on whoever is your target. Be sure the actors keep the cameras rolling.

You’ll love this for years to pass. You’ll be a family legend.

You’ll even send me a copy of the tape.

Best wishes,
The Revenge Guy

Dear Revenge GuyHi. First off, I wanted to say that I’m a fan of your site. I love the advice you give. Now the time has come for me to ask for help.

Let me begin by saying that I was involved for the better part of a year with a woman who completely rocked my socks off. She seemed amazing.

The sex was great, and we both immediately fell in love (..or so I thought). Here’s the kicker – she and I are married….to other people. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know.

If anybody has a problem, let them cast the first stone. Anyway, the relationship lasted for a long while, until she took a trip out of town, where I found out she had an affair…with a woman.

Of course, she denied it. The relationship continued, with me being VERY suspicious. Near the end, we took a trip out of town, where I found out she was having another lesbian relationship RIGHT UNDER MY NOSE!

When I asked her about it, she immediately broke up with me, saying she was “too busy”. Since then, she’s kept lying to me, and kept me waiting in the sidelines (as she asked me to do……I was SO stupid to do so!). She’s had affairs with both men and women, while at the same time asking me to stay faithful to her.

She’s still married, and her hubby is freaking clueless! My wife knows everything, and we’ve patched things up. She wouldn’t mind seeing revenge on her as well! At one time I was willing to give up everything for her. Now, I want restitution. I want punishment. I WANT REVENGE!! Can you help me?

I’m glad that you like my website.
I’m very happy that you were able to confess to your wife and maintain a relationship with her.

You owe her a fabulous vacation somewhere, with a renewing of your marriage vows.
And a BIG piece of jewelry.

As for this other woman, she’s into everything and everyone. With a clueless husband to boot that keeps the home fire burning as she cheats herself to anything that moves.

Your revenge is going to take several steps. They can be completed in any order.

First off:
You’ll want to reprint this email once you’ve deleted any identifiable marks, such as your email address. Or print it from my website, it’ll be on the home page. Then leave copies of it everywhere. Her office, his office. The grocery store bulletin board. All kinds of places where they’ll see it. Maybe the clueless husband will make the connection, maybe he won’t. But she will. And she’ll be put on notice.

Start placing “Found Item” ads in the local papers describing things that she owns. These are usually free ads and they very rarely check the phone number of who places the ad. Use her phone number. The kooks will start calling, the more frequently the higher the value of the item seems to be. The conversations with these kooks will be incredible. Just imagine it.

Set up one final date with her. Preferably a late meeting in a motel, or a fancy dinner place. Get someone else to call the husband about this rendezvous, preferably as it’s happening (of course, you won’t show up!).
The fires will roar!

Best wishes,
The Revenge Guy

Dear Revenge GuyDear Revenge Guy,
I dated a guy for about a year. A few months into the relationship I told him I was looking for something exclusive and wanted to know what he was looking for. He indicated he was looking for something exclusive as well. We continued to date.

A few weeks later he started saying and doing things that were leading me to believe he didn’t really want to be monogamous so I asked him straight out. He vehemently denied he didn’t want to be exclusive but continued doing fishy stuff to which our arguments became more frequent. He hung out with and went away alone with other woman (one on my b-day weekend even) and continued making disconcerting comments in general.

It finally ended because I snooped in his email one day and found a racy email he wrote to one of his female “friends”. I confronted him about it over the phone. His response “I don’t know .. maybe we should just be friends. Got anything else to say?” to which I stupidly said “no” and he hung up on me.

A month after we broke up I saw this post he wrote on a website he frequents:
[ah friends with benefits]
“The only way to fly. Plus, with this kind of strategy, you get more than one! Variety… you know, it IS the spice of life”.

A year after we broke up he finally admitted he had never wanted to be exclusive and started telling me same lame thing about how a female friend of his calls him a serial monogamist.. blah, blah, blah…

I HATE this guy! He humiliated me!!! He wasn’t “confused”… he’s a manipulative, lying asshole and I want revenge!!!!
Any ideas???
Thanks, L

Dear L,
At least you made a good move when you got rid of him… he’s been a player all the time, saying whatever he needs to say to get what he wants. I’m sure there isn’t a sincere bone in his body.

Usually I say that good living is the best revenge. And it still is. And it’s very important for you to move on from this horrible experience with this awful guy.

I’d suggest posting a gay singles ad in a local paper for this guy. Include his phone number…. let him get past that one.

Best wishes,
The Revenge Guy

Dear Revenge GuyDear revenge guy,

I met jeff at a wrestling match for my high school(he goes to another school, a grade above me). we had a little thing my freshman year, but then i started to realize how much of a jerk he was. he always tried to kiss me, even when we werent going out, and me being the naive freshman, and him being the sweet talker, i gave in.

he asked me to go out with him a couple times, but i said no. the summer after 9th grade we started hanging out, and even though he knew i had a boyfriend, he got a little grope friendly when we were at the movies, so i got mad at him. he met 2 of my really good friends at a party, and told them that i fooled around with him. which was not true at all. so i confronted him about it, and he denied everything. he said “you know i would never hurt you and talk about you like that” so i forgave him.

just other little things he did made me not want to talk to him as much, and i learned to stand up to him.

i guess he just got jealous, because this year (im in 10th grade now) i met a guy that goes to jeffs school(rob). he knows that we know eachother, and he gets really mad whenever i talk about him. he found out from one of my friends that rob was at my house the other night with a couple other people, and somehow got the impression that we were fooling around (not true) and he told one of my very good friends that i was planning to lose my virginity to him. (not true either, and obviously this has gotten totally blown out of proportion, because i have never done anything sexual with anyone) my friend confronted me about it, and when i found out what jeff was saying about me, i could tell my friend was really disappointed in me, until i told him the truth.

and nothing he has ever done has hurt me more than this. and thats why i need some effing revenge, so he realizes how much he hurt me, and so everyone else will realize that he is a prick that doesnt know how to treat a girl. whatever, i just want him to be deathly embarassed and scarred for life! im in culinary arts, my friend suggested “laxative brownies, and lots of em” lol.. so got any ideas?


Hi Allie,

You have met the “loser of the year” as far as I am concerned.

Your real question you have to answer is:
Do you want to get rid of him forever?
Or just for a little while?

Jerks like him will tend to hang around and coerce you (sexually) until he gets what he wants, as long as it is convenient for him to do so (until another girl victim comes along). They are very selfish individuals and attempt to hide their selfishness in snide playful ways.

Laxatives in the brownies may be a good way to get rid of him, it’s always a great revenge idea, especially when given on an outing somewhere. Using public washrooms as you are exploding from the ass is as unpleasant as it can get.

But I always prefer the more ingenious approach. Public humiliation can go a long way in finally getting rid of someone, permanently, with no mixed messages or other misdirected interpretations as to what was meant. And that means you have to have more than yourself involved in this setup. So, get your friends together, all of the ones that know the truth about Jeff and how he behaves, and create some “this is your life” posters. Detail all the bad things he has done to you, your friends, etc. Have your friends and you carry them around for a couple of weeks, “dropping” them on people that you talk to, places you go, stuff like that. The humiliation should get rid of him, once and for all.
Best wishes,
The Revenge Guy

Dear Revenge GuyDear RG,
Hi. Thanks for taking the time to read my email. I’ll make it simple. I was seeing this guy for a few months from work. (My family owns the company). For pretty much no good reason, he stopped calling, stopped seeing me and is acting weird toward me. All was going well until we had some problems in the bedroom. But besides that, I have no idea why he’s being weird. I feel like things started on his terms and ended on his terms. And that’s just not cool. I really only see him at work and going to his apartment would be kind of hard, given if he saw me it would be obvious. Therefore my only idea thus far is slashing his tires at work. Any ideas from such a genius would be much appreciated! The old saying “What comes around goes around”. I feel like that’s shit. You just can’t count on that. I’m sick of being f—ed over and want to be on the other side of it for a change.
Hope to hear from you!!!!

Hi A,
Just send him a bunch of roses. From “Jeff”, the guy who’s long distance in love with him.
Then have a friend of yours be this “Jeff” and leave romantic messages for this guy at work.
Then you can start hinting around that he’s gay.
Have fun with this.

Best wishes,
The Revenge Guy

Dear Revenge GuyHi RG,
I need your help. I was involved with a guy for four years we broke up about 3 months ago and he started to have a serious relationship with my worse enemy. They plan to get married soon. I hate him so much and need to extract my revenge.

Be happy he’s out of your life.
And, find out when and where the wedding is, make up some flyers offering free food and drink to bums and the homeless. Let them enjoy their “special day”.
Best wishes,
The Revenge Guy

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Article written by The Revenge Guy ©2003-2025 The Revenge Guy. This article may not be replicated, copied or distributed without prior written approval and is provided for entertainment purposes only.

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