This is where you read revenge stories about families and life

Real people have written in to ask The Revenge Guy for advice so they can get revenge on family members, you can read their stories here.

You date, you get intimate, you get married, you break up or divorce. This is what happens next.

People that have been dating or married have written in to ask The Revenge Guy for advice so they can get revenge on ex friends, boyfriends and girlfriends, spouses that are now exes, and this is what I told them.

Work Sucks! And having Bad Co-Workers and Bad Bosses Makes It Even Worse!

People that have jobs write in to ask The Revenge Guy for advice so they can get revenge on their workplace, businesses that have done them wrong, as well as revenge on people they work with.

Neighbors Can Be Bullies

The Revenge Guy needs your help to get the word out, please share this story!

I hate the people that want to run your life from their home or apartment.
Let’s get’em!!!!! 

Breaking The Hold of a Bully Neighbor

Dear Revenge GuyHi Revenge Guy,
Without our consent or prior knowledge, our neighbour tore down the fence along the property line between our backyards and put up a cheap, ugly fence in its place.

He then asked us to pay for half of the cost. Since we had no input whatsoever into any of the decisions, we refused. We have a recent survey that shows exactly where the property line is. He is now trying to tear out the hedge between our front yards. The property line is right along the middle of the hedge. We notified him in writing that he does not have our permission to do anything to our side of the hedge but he says he can do as he pleases.

We have started pouring tons of well-rotted comfrey fertiliser along the hedge. It has a lot of liquid as well as slimy rotten leaves. This stuff stinks to high heaven and you can never get rid of the smell. His dog loves it and I am sure it will work wonders on his carpets when the animal tracks it into his house.

We’ve planted sea buckthorn along the hedge. This stuff grows very fast, has huge thorns and puts out runners which will go all through his lawn. It won’t go through our yard as I can keep it under control. It is indestructible.

We have poked out all the numerous knots in the backyard fence, bored holes in the posts and inserted stump rot.

We’ve nailed pea netting all over the fence and are growing beans up it.
We’ve notified the bylaw enforcement officers that he keeps an old car parked in front of his house in violation of a 72 hour parking bylaw.

He has on several occasions told us that one of our other neighbours (let’s call him John) threw rocks through his window and destroyed part of his lawn with Round-up. No charges have been made against John and it has not been proved that he had anything to do with these incidents. If we told John what our neighbour was saying about him, could he sue for slander? We would we willing to act as witnesses.

Getting revenge is important for my self-esteem. Allowing myself to be shoved around by this arrogant bully would undermine my feeling of self-worth. Is there anything else we can do to get revenge?
Thank you for your assistance.

Revenge JokerHi Happy Homeowner,
You are really amazing to have started this neighbor war in the methods you have chosen, my hat is off to you!

Continue your war of protecting your property line and house value.

Look at getting this guy into court for slander, I fully endorse such a move. Bullies need to be brought down to the regular earth all of us good people share. Share what you know! The truth will out all the bullies!

I would also start an online photo essay of your property, on a site like and be certain to have the picture “peek” into his yard. Let’s take pleasure in what happens to his yard. Without any prior knowledge, of course.

BTW, if I need help with a bad neighbor will you share more of what you’ve done?
Thanks for emailing me,

The Upstairs Neighbors

Dear Revenge GuyDear Revenge Guy,
My husband and I live in a 4 family home. Last year we got a new neighbor above us, a young 20ish girl. The other tenants in the house are the landlords in-laws and another older couple. My husband and I are in our 40’s.

From day 1, there were definitely more than one person staying there and they are serious night people. To make a story short….they have caused lots of problems and are being evicted. The landlord says he doesn’t know how long the process will take, but in the mean time they are basically terrorizing us. We tried to get along at first and I realized when I stopped up there once that they have NO furniture.

They live in 2 bedrooms. So when they come in at night….several people congregate and party in the bedroom above us.

My husband has to get up at 4:30 am for work and they come in at all hours of the night….who knows how many of them. Yes we’ve called the police……I do not want to be a nuisance to them.

My husband wants to go to the basement and flip the breaker on their music when it’s loud. I’m afraid he’ll get caught. I say go down when we know they’re out and flip the switch on their frig. We’re between a rock and a hard place.

Hi Neighbor,
When you have the power over the power, use it.

First off, yes, start with pulling the breaker when the noise get’s too loud. Give your husband the go-ahead to do it.

Doing it when they’re out probably won’t make much use because I bet they don’t have anything in their fridge that isn’t “shelf stable”, that is, won’t rot in 50 years or so.

Follow up with calls from a “detective” asking for them to make an appointment to come in for an “interview”. /p>

Take pictures of your building or encourage your landlords to do so. I’d bet my bottom dollar that there will be a “moving out party” to trash the place when they go. Punks like this don’t care about a damage deposit, if they gave one at all.

If you’re any good at photo editing, scan in an image of your utility bill, which ever you have to pay yourself, electricity, gas, water, whatever. Change your name to theirs, of course, and add several hundred dollars to the bill for them to pay.

Change the number to call for customer service to a sex line number. Freak them out.

Quieting down a group of pigs is hard to do, but you can make them ready to leave a lot sooner than the eviction if you do things right.
Best wishes,

Red Fence Bastards

Dear Revenge GuyDear Revenge Guy,
I share a combined front yard with my neighbors. They re-landscaped their side of the yard and put up an ugly red fence in between us without asking us if it was ok. It is on our shared property line, but they didn’t ask for our approval.

The red fence doesn’t match with our other fences and looks awful. Also, it has ruined the look of my side of the yard.

We don’t have a Homeowner’s Association and there is no city code. How can I get revenge?

Hi Phyllis,
Paint your side of the fence to a more pleasing color.
Send them a registered letter before you do, notifying them of your plans.

Get a lawyer involved if the letter doesn’t work.

And if you don’t paint it, plant some bushes or hedges….

And every once in a while through some granular fertilizer on their side, after a few weeks the fertilizer will burn the hell out of their lawn.
Good luck!

Crappy Neighbors Threatened Me

Dear Revenge GuyHi RG,
We purchased a house 3 years ago and the people next door are typical white trash, they keep a tree trimming truck, chipper and stump grinder on their property as well as a few junk cars.

We live in a nice well kept neighborhood, they drive and park all over their property they constantly have kids over for parties, drinking, music, screaming, through the night.

We have 2 small children and since we’ve been here we can’t even open their windows at night, and are forced to turn on the AC on beautiful nights, even with their windows closed they can’t fall asleep and are constantly being woken up due to the noise.

We have asked numerous times with no results, called the police, as soon as the police drive away it starts up again, last night we called and as soon as the police left someone yelled out “keep calling the police and we’ll F$#* up your house” We are at a loss on what to do HELP !!!!!
Greg T.

Hi Greg,
First off: security cameras.

Second: motion detector lights.

Third: talk with your other neighbors, I’m sure they’ve had sleepless nights too and would welcome the opportunity to gang up on these asses.

Fourth: Liquid Ass. Spray it over the fence when they’re NOT outside but you know they WILL BE later.

Fifth: Video camera. Capture these guys in the act, when needed this will make a great case for you in the courts, should this go that far.

Getting rid of bad neighbors, unless they are renters is quite difficult. Do a property search, find out their names and do a criminal background check. odds are good that they all have some arrests and convictions in their pasts, so you could again enlist your neighbors and start a poster campaign to get these bums to move.

You MUST have the support and willingness of your good neighbors to force out the bad.

Introduce yourself around, if you haven’t yet, and get started.
Good luck!

She’s Calling The Cops On Me For Noise During The Middle of the Day!

Dear Revenge GuyDear Revenge Guy,
I have a neighbor that is such a royal B*tch.

My roommate that lived with me for two years got involved with her and they had a nasty break up. After the break up she was yelling derogatory statements to him and his son. He got the cops involved which they were not much help so he decided to move.

She has now started to take it out on me.

She has called the cops on me several times for music complaints. They other day it was at 5:00 in the afternoon on a Friday. The music was not that loud and I had it playing for well over 2 hours but the second my old roommate showed up the cops were there immediately after.

I have never been sited for these complaints and have even had the officer tell me that it wasn’t that loud.

There have been many of times that my lawn mower would be a lot louder.

A few weeks back I was sleeping and the neighbor on the other side had his music up I didn’t care but she called the cops on me not him. Since she is giving my address they have to respond to my house.

This has got to the point were I can’t even watch my tv at a descent volume to hear it with out her calling the police.

It has effected my way of living that has been the same for the last 4 years. I would like to find away to make it stop. She doesn’t have a job and is home all day. Please Help!!!!!Thank you,

First thinks first, find out what the noise bylaws are for where you live.
You’ll likely find that the police can’t do anything because the noise is during the day and well within the noise bylaws where you live.
With that knowledge in hand, go to the police and see about making a harassment complaint against her, tit for tat, right?!!

Now for the better part of revenge….
get her phone number, do a reverse lookup if needed to get her info and post her info everywhere you can think of. (I have plenty if ideas throughout my site!)
Make job ads for her, selling things, whatever.
Keep a steady stream of people calling her and coming to her door.

At least she’ll be too busy to worry about you anymore.
Best wishes,

What Do I Do To Get Back At My Ignorant Neighbor And Her Brats?

Dear Revenge GuyDear Revenge Guy,
I would never have thought that I would ask someone’s advice on how to get back at people, but my neighbors really piss me off.

I moved in a townhouse about 1.5 year ago, and immediately I realized that those people are ignorant.

First they younger kid brought some kids and they had like an orgie in my backyard.

I called the police then, they spoke to the neighbors, and then the mother became upset that like her child is just a kid.

Then they started playing basketball on the driveway (it’s joint), and they were always on my front lawn.

I was kicking out the small kids all the time from there.

Then the older kid started walking through my lawn to drag his lawn mower. I told them not to, and that guy was almost swearing at me like “I will not stop doing that!”.

Finally this year my lawyer wrote them a letter like “Do not play ball on the other part lawn and driveway part”.

No reaction.

More, that older son (who is over 18 for sure, and who does not study buy just stays at home and waits till his girlfriend picks him up in her car, or when some friends come to drink and then drive to party) walked with his dog right in front of my lawn.

That was a good reason to call the police again, and I was lucky to take some pictures.

So I called the police. Ha-ha. After like 9 days of waiting, I finally got a call from a police officer that she spoke to the mother, and that the mother promised that it will not happen again?!

The police woman did not even speak with the son, and when I tried to explain her all bad things they did, she was like “Oh, that mother told me that you were throwing stones and sod on her backyard ” (lie).

So, now I don’t know what to do. I saw that stupid son walking the dog, but so far he went around my lawn.

However that mother pissed me off with her lies. Also also the police did not seem to be helpful, she did not even want to issue a ticket to the son!!

My question is how to deal with that situation. I would love to get a revenge, however I obviously don’t want to go overboard. Should I call the police woman’s supervisor? Should I spread some real compost (from a farm) all over to have the neighbors smell it 24×7? What should I do?

In addition that mother claims to be poor and does not want to have a fence in the backyard (we don’t have any fence!!).

So now she had some money to buy a huge table with an umbrella, and it’s kind of close to the border with my yard. So I would have to see their stupid faces when they have a barbeque. What do I do????

Please HELP!!
Yours, Suffering

Hi Suffering,

You are in a bad place, but there is no point in NOT sharing the misery you suffer.

If I were you I’d be fertilizing the lawn every second week… just spread the manure on, let the kids walk through that.

Have a security camera installed, track the kids trespassing, gather the evidence for the police.

Be proactive!

Go to the police department and search for a sympathetic ear to tell your tale to. Have recordings, journal documentation, the whole nine yards.

Check the strata/townhouse bylaws where you are, you might have a good case to force her and those brats to vacate/move. tread the rules carefully.

try to get elected to the townhouse board of directors… people usually try to NOT be on the board and go with whatever decisions are made.

With that type of power you could easily make her living there a nightmarish hell.

Check on the watering restrictions too! And BBQ rules, I’m sure the development you live in has restrictions on outdoor grills, most places do.

Talk with your other neighbors and see what is happening to them. Many times people silently suffer their neighbors obnoxious behavior, but you can be the spark that starts the fire!

Do it!

Don’t wait for these brats to fly away from mommy’s side, they won’t!

Building My New Home

Dear Revenge GuyDear Revenge Guy,
I read some of the advice on your website and was intrigued. I would love to know if you have any suggestions for my husband and me.

We are in the process of building a new house at the end of a cul-de-sac street. The space is somewhat tight at the end of this street, and there are essentially three homes there (ours and 2 others). At
the very end of the street lives our now problem neighbor.

Soon after we purchased the property, on which a home had stood vacant for 2 to 3 years, this neighbor somehow found my husband’s work phone number and email address and called to say he hoped we wouldn’t be removing many of the trees on the property. We were surprised at this and thought it was none of his business, but we assured him that where we had to remove trees, we would replant new ones.

Subsequent to that time, our builder one day came across a yard worker carrying an expensive Japanese Maple tree, which he had dug up from the backyard of our property, toward his landscape truck. The truck was parked in the driveway of our neighbor’s house. Caught in the act of stealing our tree, which retails for between one and two thousand dollars, the yard worker said he would put it back. Due to the way he had butchered its roots, it could not survive, and it died. We were angry at the time, but we did not feel that we could prove who had tried to steal it, and we were eager to begin our relationship with our neighbors on a positive note. We did not formally say anything to them about it.

Well, since construction has begun this man and his wife have been irrational and nasty. I went over to officially introduce myself before the construction was underway to apologize for the inconvenience and establish a friendly relationship. This seemed to go well, except that the husband continued to ask about whether we planned to remove all the trees that were marked.

Some time later, my husband got another email at work from this man, stating that his wife observed the construction crew “dumping garbage” on their property. This neighbor said that he expected to be notified no later than noon that day that it had been cleaned up. We called our builder to ask about this, and when he drove across town to investigate the “garbage dumping,” he found one paper coffee cup and an empty Jello cup. He picked these up and we all could not believe how crazy these people were. I pick up that much trash and more from my yard regularly, simply from what gets blown in by the wind.

Later that week, we drove to check things out at the site and ran into the wife. We waved and said hello. She did not respond but asked whether they had taken care of “all the trash.” We said that we did not see any trash, but did she? She began to shake all over and said that there was a “red buckle” on her side of the silt fence. When we went to check, it was extremely hard to see, but we did find a small red buckle contraption nearly buried in the dirt, and my husband removed it. The area between our two lots goes down into a deep gully covered by trees that is quite shady and hard to see into.

The latest communication from these friendly and gracious people came last week to my husband’s email stating that OUR brick delivery truck had hit and damaged one of their pine trees. The neighbor said that he had called his tree company to come out and photograph the damage and that he would be sending us the bill for the cost of their services to “save” the tree. My husband responded that he should send the invoice on and that our builder would look into it. We investigated and found that the brick truck driver had hit the tree (there was one square foot of bark knocked off) and that his company would take responsibility.

This week, when the invoice came, Mr. Obnoxious emailed my husband again at work and said that he should send the reimbursement check to his work address and that they would hold us responsible if this 50 year old pine tree did not make it and died. My husband replied that he would forward the invoice on to our builder who was coordinating with the brick company and that further concerns about the tree should be addressed to the brick company. They were responsible for the damage.

These people are unbelievably obnoxious and I have grown increasingly more angry as they barrage my husband at work with their complaints. Their attitude is incredible given that we did not pester them about the expensive tree WE lost (I mentioned that very briefly during my visit to meet them) and that we have responded in a prompt and polite way to their concerns. They clearly do not wish to have anyone build or live on the lot next to them. I have never been one to seek revenge, but I am finding myself wanting to put this man in his place. He assumes a condescending and accusatory air towards us that is out of line and infuriating. I would welcome any actions you could offer that would enable me to stick it right back to him.
Thanks so much,
Homebuilder under attack

Hi Homebuilder,
From now on have all corresponded go through your lawyer. Hit the ant with the largest hammer you have.

You see, when you try to be nice these neighbors are understanding you as weak, so they try to push you around and make you jump through hoops… and you jump!

This will end up being a court case, I’m sure.

Print out all emails, save every phone call details.
Write down and photo everything on a weekly basis as to how the construction progresses, etc. Ask your builder to take daily pictures when they leave for the day, if possible.

Check local building laws, make sure everything you do is by the book. Detail the costs involved with this heightened recording of your building being done, it’ll come in handy.

Make sure your property is posted “No Trespassing” and that your liability insurance is paid up.

You are in for a battle that has just begun so be prepared.
Good luck!

Parking Wars

Dear Revenge GuyDear Revenge Guy,
Hopefully you don’t find this situation too similar to ones already posted on your site- we are looking for some advice on dealing with neighbors across the street from us.

A little less than a year ago we moved into a fairly young neighborhood in which rows of townhomes (which we live in) sit across the street from single family homes.

We were warned by our next door neighbor to watch out on parking in front of the house across the street, they made frequent complaints and had even egged our neighbors car once because they were too close to the mailbox.

In December, my husband accidently parked about 2 inches on the grass with one tire (the other tire was entirely on the curb) and they left a threatening note on his windshield that said “Park on my grass again and you’ll be sorry” or something along those lines.

That day we went over and introduced ourselves, explained that we were sorry but we thought the letter somewhat inappropriate.

We tried to be friendly but at the same time stand up for ourselves that they had never met us before and should have tried talking to us before leaving such a hateful letter. They used the excuse that “thats how they were raised to handle things” (These people come across as fairly uneducated hicks in my opinion) but apologized for the overraction. We tossed the note and moved on.

Since that time, we bought a new vehicle and put our other one up for sale, and since my husband also has a work car we now have more vehicles than fit in our driveway, so my spare car which I don’t drive much anymore was parked in front of their house (because there isn’t parking on our side of the street).

It was there for about a week and a half until they called the cops on us tonight for having it parked there for over 24 hours. Now granted, we broke the rule but we weren’t hurting anything! We weren’t blocking the mailbox, driveway, etc. In addition people are always parking on the street so even if we weren’t parked there, someone else would be.

Well, my husband and are are out of town for the holiday but luckily my sister was there doing laundry when the cops came and explained that we would be back on Tuesday to move the vehicle.

SO that long story was to explain that I’m looking for a way to get back at them for being jerks for no reason.

If you live across from townhomes that have single car garages, they should realize that people will always be parking in front of their home, get over it!!!

I want to get back at them somehow, but I’m really not enough of a daredevil to do anything illegal. Can you help at all? I know very little about these people except that they are ignorant and rude.

My sister did try to go over and talk to them again tonight to explain that we were gone but would move the vehicle on Tuesday if they would please not call the cops again until then, and they pretty much treated her like dirt. I just want to be able to park without worrying every day if I’ll come home to a ticket.

Oh, and one other thing, I really don’t want to just park the car I do drive daily in that spot because 1. it would give them too much satisfaction and 2. I have a 1 year old son and usually several other things to carry inside when I come home everyday so its really a pain to have to park so far from my front door.
Thanks for any advice!
PS sorry this was so lengthy!!

Hi Sally,
People are very territorial; and you’ve stumbled across a roost of turkeys that need to control everything in their sight.

While you can’t do anything but offend them every time you park in front of their house you did do everything right: introducing yourself, apologizing for parking over the usual time limit, etc.

Now it’s time to play their game but, you know, you’re the number one suspect no matter what happens to them.

Again, the first thing I’d try is kindness, bribing them for the parking “permission” just might appease these monkeys, and that’s what I’d try first, again. Maybe go to their front door and give them a bottle of booze and see what their reaction is. Certainly if you continue to offend them by parking in front of their house (and it seems like you don’t have many options without a long walk home) you’ll be spending a lot of time cleaning egg, and worse, off your car.

Revenge here really isn’t justified:
1. you are parking in front of their home, you have too many vehicles where you live, didn’t you see that when you bought the place?
2. they have more opportunity to mark up and harm your car than you have time to fight them and stirring up trouble against these people

Making nice, in this instance, is my recommendation.
Spring for a bottle of booze once a month, maybe a dozen doughnuts, whatever you think they might like.
It will certainly be cheaper than starting a parking war.

I hope this helps, if things get worse email me again,
Best wishes,

Do you have a similar story to share with The Revenge Guy? Send it to him now! 

Article written by The Revenge Guy ©2003-2025 The Revenge Guy. This article may not be replicated, copied or distributed without prior written approval and is provided for entertainment purposes only.

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