This is where you read revenge stories about families and life

Real people have written in to ask The Revenge Guy for advice so they can get revenge on family members, you can read their stories here.

You date, you get intimate, you get married, you break up or divorce. This is what happens next.

People that have been dating or married have written in to ask The Revenge Guy for advice so they can get revenge on ex friends, boyfriends and girlfriends, spouses that are now exes, and this is what I told them.

Work Sucks! And having Bad Co-Workers and Bad Bosses Makes It Even Worse!

People that have jobs write in to ask The Revenge Guy for advice so they can get revenge on their workplace, businesses that have done them wrong, as well as revenge on people they work with.

Revenge Guy Gets Schools

The Revenge Guy needs your help to get the word out, please share this story!

Revenge At School By The Revenge Guy

Need a little help getting even with someone at school that has done you wrong? Maybe an oldie but a goodie revenge technique is just what you need to help you get even and regain your stature as an important person. 

You should know: RG has a great amount of respect for teachers. He will not advise any type of revenge against a teacher. However, if you feel your teacher is treating you unfairly please follow all available legal means to address the situation.

If this is the case begin by talking with your parents. Move on to the principal, the school board and write letters to the editor of the local newspapers.

Of course, if you’re looking for revenge at your high school re-union against the bully that tormented you, I have it too!

Bullies and kids? Please just ask your parents, ok. Otherwise read on…

Getting Even With My High School Bully

Dear Revenge GuyHi Revenge Guy,
This is my story:
I am about to go to my high school reunion in less than a month and I have had revenge on my mind for this guy.

He was the bully that everyone talks about. In those days I was the quiet guy.

This guy, used to humiliate me by saying things about me, throw milk on my face in-front of girls in high school.

Most of the bullying was of a psychological nature and killed my self esteem.

People say forgive and forget, in my case neither is an option.

He has confirmed he will be at the high school reunion amongst all other people and I want to pull off an epic humiliation to him in-front of everyone.

We do not have the same friends, maybe a few associates that’s it. I knew this person for 3 years before I graduated.

I can get information on this person such as his gf name and number(possibly), but I want to do this at the reunion.

This is the only way I can finally move on and I am sure it will let me move on. I am no longer angry, I just want swift justice, an eye for an eye type of vengeance. I want him to leave that place feeling small. Thanks in advance.

Revenge JokerHi Hermin,
I can certainly understand your need for revenge here. The guy that made high school hell has to be gotten even with!

Obviously you still have some connection with him, you know enough through mutual friends that he’s going. And the 10 year re-union is a big deal, so far anyways. The 50th might be bigger.

“Eye for an eye” and “make him feel small” are feelings I can relate to.

Were you this bully’s only victim? Or are there others that you think would also like to get even?

This could raise the stakes considerably and I’d like to think that you’re not alone in this.

If you are, here’s a suggestion:
Speeches are always encouraged at re-unions. Letting your former classmates what you’ve made of your life is one of life’s little pleasures, provided you did something other than collect welfare and make babies.

I’s give a speech featuring the highlights of high school as you remember them, sparing no insult or recollection.

Bash the bastard!

If you know of others that would like to join you, maybe this will get you even:

I’d create a “souvenir” flyer featuring this guy’s face on every twisted picture I could think of, and leave them on every car windshield before the evening ends.

And have everyone make the same speech as above!

Dude Pushes me Down For No Reason! Read on…

Dear Revenge GuyHi Revenge Guy,
I got into an altercation with this boy in class.

It was about 3 weeks ago. He picked me up and slammed me on the ground.

I’ve known him since sophomore year. We weren’t friends but just knew each other, he was always asking for something.

We know some of the same people I wouldn’t exactly say they are my friends. He does have a job to too far from where I live. I have his phone number, I know what bus he rides and where he gets off the bus at.

My dad feels as though some dudes should go beat him up. I feel as though he should just get picked up slammed on the ground like he did me.

Revenge would just make me so happy. I believe that I wouldn’t spaz out on people and have fits of anger.
I really hope you can help R.G.


Revenge JokerHi Gloria,
I’d use a call service and call him up pretending to big the long arm of the law and he needs to come down to give a statement “in 3 weeks”. Make sure you set the caller id to show the call is from someone pretending to be in law enforcement.

Ask his basic info:
Full name, date of birth, school name he attends and names of people that witnessed “the assault” so they can be called down as well. Tell him to bring his parents, charges may be laid at the time of this interview.

Let him sweat it out for three weeks, as well as have to explain to his parents why he did what he did to you.

For extra fun, call the friends he rats out.

He’ll get your message and this humiliation will far outlast a beating. But get your Dad’s approval.

Dear Revenge GuyHi Revenge Guy,
This new kid at school has been bullying me from the start and just yesterday we got into a really bad fight and he is more powerful so I don’t know what to do.

Please help as soon as you can. Oh yeah and some of my friend’s get bullied by him and also my sister got involved and I don’t want her to get involved because she could get hurt.

Some 11 year old

Revenge JokerHi Kid,
First off, I generally don’t answer emails from people under 18. You’re too young to understand the consequences of your actions. But anyways…

You have to talk to your parents and your teachers. Talk to an adult that you trust. This is the right way to deal with a bully in school.

Bullies are just scared little people inside. They don’t know how to communicate (and you seem pretty intelligent to me) so they turn to being a bully. They think that they can make friends by being the biggest and the baddest. And kids that are bullies don’t yet know that life doesn’t work that way. Just ask any of the tens of thousands of people in jail right now. They’d agree with me, 100%.

Because bullies are so scared inside it doesn’t take much to make them even more scared. And it’s not with your fists, it’s with your brain. You have to out-think them.

Bullies always pick on one person at a time. Even a stupid bully knows that he can’t take on a crowd. So tighten up your group of friends and when this kid comes around, all of you together walk away. If he comes near you, stay with your friends. And if you want to scare him just say this, yell it out loud “Leave us alone or I will tell everyone your secret!”

Now, it doesn’t matter if you know his secret or not (every bully has something he’s afraid others will find out about himself) you just need to threaten to expose his secret. It’s important that you don’t make anything up. Lying will not get you ahead, it’s the possibility that you will tell and silence afterwards that will shake him up. And stay in your group, there is strength in numbers.

And please, talk about this with your parents.

Good luck,

School Bully 101

Dear Revenge GuyHi RG,

I have a huge problem, there’s this huge jackass that goes to my school, we”ll call him Greg.

Greg has already punched me in the face twice which he got in trouble for already, but after his suspension, he started taunting me, calling me insults and started calling me overweight to nearly everyone in class although I’m am honestly not.

Almost everyone likes this bastard and I can’t tell or else ill be a snitch. I know how to defend myself but if I do punch him back or call him a name I’ll get punished. I really hate this kid and it makes me seem like a wimp that I cant do anything back. Please give me advice, id really appreciate it.

p.s. we are in the same class
— Sad

Hi Sad,
Smile at him. And stand steady.

He will strike out from fear that he needs to beat on you to prove his is the bigger guy… but your revenge is being the better person.

Do you understand?

He is a wussy that hides behind beating down others to puff himself up.
This is a game he will lose.

The next time you’re THAT close to him, whisper these words “Everyone knows about what you’re afraid one likes you hear” and get away from him but walk tall, confident.

Guys lie this seem tough but crack easily. This is how you beat him… suggest that he’s really alone, and let him be.
Other’s will follow within days what you have done.


Stop Being His Target

Dear Revenge GuyHi Revenge Guy,

There is this guy his name is Adam. He’s always a prick to me.

Like just today I was trying to be friends with him… (I always think life is alot easier without having to move to revenge.) but I just ask how this girl and him are… and he replys “why should I tell you?!” I go you don’t have to it’s you’re choice. He replys Youre so annoying! Gosh you’re so out of shape and have no friends and are so dorkey! And after that I thaught… Dang he tried to take my best friend away from me he goes off and tells lies telling people I say very crude things to him. He thinks he is the cooliest guy in the world why dosnt he just stop?! So finally I thaught it over and googles how to get revenge and I don’t want really horrible revenge just so he can taste his own medicene. Like I said revenge is last so if you have some advice for me I want that too. Bye the way I am 13.


Three things:

1. stop trying to be friends with him. He’s not now, or ever will be nice to you

2. stop letting him bother you, by getting a reaction from you, you become his victim and his target

3. talk with your parents about this, they can help you more that I


{Dear Reader, I included the above email to show you that life for kids is hard, but the first people they should be talking to is their parents, or a trusted teacher, not some “Revenge Guy” online.}

Dear Revenge GuyDear Revenge Guy,
We just bought a house, the far end of the back yard shares property with an elementary school.

The basketball court sits right next to my backyard with
a small road dividing the two. Most of my neighbors have small 4ft fences.

We had no idea what would happen when the weather warmed up.

Suddenly hoards of young people showed up, driving from other neighborhoods and playing basketball.

They are constantly swearing and blasting their radio’s that have loud subwoofers. We live in a very nice neighborhood, it just doesn’t fit.

I don’t know if it is always the same people playing but the other day I was outside grilling and the ball bounced into my neighbors yard, who has a small fence with an unlocked gate. The guy who fetched the ball jumped the fence using his foot on it and shaking it violently. He left with the ball in the same manner. I shouted to get his attention and he ignored me until I became louder. He said, “don’t talk to me like that, I’m a grown man, I will steal your grill and everything on it!”. Several words were exchanged and they threatened me.

I stood up for myself and threatened back. The police showed up because my neighbor called, but they had all scattered.

My neighbors and I have phoned the police countless times about incidents not
unlike this one since the weather has warmed up.

This is our first summer there but our block watch community says it has been going on for sometime.

I have thought about just removing the rims myself and ditching them somewhere, but the kids at the elementary school use them during the day and
I don’t want to take their recess fun time away.

Apparently the rims are taken down when school is out, but it is warm for most of the school year.
What do I do?
Yours truly,
Angry home owner

Hi Angry,
Take them down and leave them for the school principal or janitorial staff to put them back up in the morning. Pin a note to them stating why they were taken down. Remind them that the municipality/city is responsible for what occurs on the property, even after hours. Talk to the principal of the school, maybe he’s just slow in putting up a better fence and may need some prodding.

Standing up to these goons isn’t going to win you any points here.

I would go after your local municipal leaders to have a tall fence built around the court too and also register complaints so that this becomes a local issue when election time rolls around.

And I would take video of all the players… from the safety of your property.
And I would ask that all your neighbors on that side plant rose bushes, raspberry bushes, something that is hard to walk through.

Most importantly, talk with your neighbors in the block watch to be a more active part in recording what happens there. Evidence is what you want.
And if someone needs to take the rims down outside of school hours, so be it.

Just remember, you’ll always have these issues being beside a school, so you have to think of protecting your family and sanity first. This isn’t revenge, is “safety first” for all involved.

Best wishes,

Dear Revenge GuyDear RG,
My name’s Sandra, and I’ve been wronged. I find that your website is sincerely a godsend. And I was inspired to confide in you for help.

I’m a very computer literate person, and spend a good deal of time on the net. Sadly I’m still in high school, but don’t think I’m one of those sad teens that only contact you to harm their exes.

No, my case is very different, and literally boils my blood every day. I’d like to state that I am very good with grudges. If I feel that a person is truly sorry and wishes to be forgiven, I will forgive them. Yet, a friend of mine, from a high school I attended last year, hurt me… and never even mentioned asking for forgiveness from me.

I was brought up in a family that follows law and justice, and I’m very very against stealing. There’s one case, last year, that someone (I’ll call her Molly) in a “clique” that I have friends in, asked to borrow a book of mine. The book was the fourth in a series, and Molly never gave it back. Molly promised over and over that she had given it to me, and other times would say that she didn’t even borrow it. Soon, a good friend of mine (still a good friend) replaced the book for her, and I decided to chill. I felt that it was my fault that I let a scumbag like Molly borrow anything of mine. The people in that “clique” saw, how angry and hurt I was that I was betrayed by a potential friend. Even the girl (I’ll call her Richele) in question. (I would estimate a month and a half) After that incident, Richele decided to be redundant. Richele was a moderate friend, that I didn’t mind hanging around with. Nor loaning something to her, especially after being practically begged to let her borrow it.

Again I was at fault for being trustful of someone I thought was a friend. I was embarrassed by her, I stood up for her, I stayed on her side of fights she got into, she was the first friend I made when I had to go to that high school. And she stole from me.

It’s my fault for trusting her, but it isn’t my fault for her actions. And I want revenge.

Not only has she stolen one of my personal belongings, but she is also dating that good friend I mentioned earlier. That good friend I have feelings for, and I would not say I loved this friend, but I don’t want that friend to get hurt like I did, along with other friends.

I feel I am the only one that knows that Richele can not be trusted, only because last year I was the new kid, and my friends have been friends with Richele longer than I have.

I’ve been hit repeatedly, not only with jealousy of Richele for still being in contact with my friends, but also because she gains their trust so much more than I do.

What in this world can I possibly do to wreak revenge upon Richele? Come damnation or satisfaction. I ask you to help me end my anger and hurt, Revenge Guy.
Thank you for at least listening.

Revenge JokerHi Sandra,
Sadly we are going to run up against these types of people all our lives. Knowing that we are better people that they is somewhat a reward, but not always enough.

I do not want you to stoop to these peoples level, only because, by the tone of your letter, you are far superior that these trivial bits of flesh.

Revenge for you is to write a letter of how you’ve been wronged, exactly, all thoughts and feelings. And you’re going to hide that letter, showing it to no one at all, ever.

Then you will discuss the contents only of the letter to the friend you have feelings for. Putting all this behind you, and exposing her, will be your revenge.

Follow my advice and have a better life. And don’t worry so much about the affairs of others. It’s hard to not be a caring and involved person but you have top let people make their own mistakes too.
There is so much more to live after school!
Best wishes,
The Revenge Guy

Dear Revenge GuyDear RG,
I am in 11th grader in private school. The VP of the student council, and involved with a military cadet program (MCP).

I am a generally good guy.

There was a mission with this MCP and I got home at about 4 am on a Thursday night. On Friday I went in to school to take a math test, and then left having only 2 hours of sleep the night before. I find out the teacher has deducted a point off my grade and given me two hours of detention for having an “unexcused” absence.

There have been many others who just skipped her class and there has been no point deduction or detentions to them. She is the favorite teacher of many people, and thinks she runs everything.

I would like to nock her down a peg a expose her for blatantly playing favorites. I already went to the dean and he just pushed me aside. Please Help!
Thanks in advance,

Revenge JokerHi Bruce,
Write everything down including names and places and send the letter to your parents.

Send a copy to the dean, registered mail, so he knows you mean business.

Just because you’re in 11th grade doesn’t mean you can be pushed around.

And send a copy to the teacher too.
Don’t be pushed around!

Of course, school does end in a couple of years. And teachers can be unfair. You might want to take this as a lesson in hard knocks… but I’d definitely send the letter to your parents. They spend good money for your education and well-bring. If that is threatened they should act accordingly.
Best wishes,
The Revenge Guy

Dear Revenge GuyDear RG,
I’m seek advise about revenge.

I’m enrolled in an university level educational program that requires a lot of time, focus, and concentration. I have been in this program for about a year now, and I have a year left to complete.

My main problems are with my classmates. From day one I was chosen to be the odd man out so to speak. I have been gossiped about, lied to, teased, ostracized, threatened, and had people take pictures of me without my consent to try to humiliate me.

This all had hit it’s peek when I was publically harassed and cursed out by one desperate girl seeking to gain popularity. I filed a report with my department and the university about the girl’s behavior in class (which an instructor was witnessed to), but no one has been willing to do anything. Not to mention that people who I was on a friendly basis with before the incident have demonized me for reporting the girl.

It’s like I’m dealing with Junior high schoolers and no amount of ‘just ignoring them’ has managed to get these people to let me be and do my school work so I can go on and make something of myself.

Granted, I do have friends who support me, and I’m not depending on these jerks for self esteem, but I do have to go to classes with these people and there is no way out of it. It’s gotten to the point where it is scary to go to class knowing that no one is going to control these people. Is this a good case for revenge, or is there some other way to deal with these immature losers?
Thanks R.G

Revenge JokerHi,
Dealing with immaturity, at any age, is one of life’s little curses. This doesn’t strike everyone but it does cause grief for those unlucky enough to be stung.

Work as hard as you can and if there is any justice in the world, you will become one of their bosses!

As far as immediate revenge I’d fight back, fire with fire.
Not exactly stopping to their level, but maybe see where you can turn the tables without giving them anything to report on you.

They take pictures, you take pictures. They ask stupid questions to you, loudly reply “Why would you ask that?”

It’s your embarrassment they seek and when you retaliate by becoming loud and demanding it’s likely these weasels will simply, slowly, slink away to the rock they crawled out from under.

Live well!
Best wishes,
The Revenge Guy

Dear Revenge GuyDear RG,
We’re restaging the play “Miss Saigon” and I have this cast member that is, for me, a total bitch and I’d love to see her get run over by a large truck.

Anyway, I’m directing the play and basically provide everyone with their scripts and the CDs. I lose at least 3 hours of sleep every night just to think of the next scene and make the choreographies.

Anyways, at this one practice there’s a girl that says “she’s like “I’m too tired to practice,” and I have sensed her hostility towards me since then. She talks behind my back as if she’s all that. She’s a total slut and dresses like one too.

The part that pissed me off was when I dismissed all the girls a little early because they did good in the practice she was like: “we shouldn’t have come here then! f—er!” It really ticked me off that during the dress rehearsal. I called her a retarded bitch with a blue v–ina in front of a teacher, and I loved it.

But I still wanna get back at her. Something verbal, I prefer and humiliating, in front of the class, something like that.
Thanks revenge guy. :D

Revenge JokerSeriously Dude,
You’re going to run into these types of people all the time. Revenge isn’t the answer for everyone of these types of jerks. But this one is special so here goes:

Your revenge will be letting her ruin this production for everybody.
And the next time she acts up at practice, say this:
“You know, you’ve really tried to get under my skin but I want to keep my cool. If this show isn’t that important to you, drop out. If it is then you should be putting in the same effort that everyone else does.”

Be bigger than her, girls like that get their true rewards soon enough. School doesn’t last forever and she will not be prepared for the real world and life if that’s her type of attitude.

Then I’d find a way to get her booted out of the production.

And if she stays in as far as show time, take a minute before the first scene starts and undo all the stitching in her costume.
Best wishes,
The Revenge Guy

Dear Revenge GuyHi RG,
I am a student at Xxxxxxx Middle School and this is my final year.

One of my teachers has made my whole middle school career hell, and she as turned all of the Xxxxxxx staff against me. It a very long story why they hate me so much. I have been brave enough to take revenge, I’ve always kept a clean record. I wanted you to suggest a prank or some sort of revenge the will get them or one of them good. But, I need a prank that can’t lead to me, so I or my friends (which will help) get in trouble.

Revenge JokerIn this case, success is the best revenge and honesty is the only answer.

If the teacher is so bad, she shouldn’t be teaching. Document your problems with her and formally present them to the school board. Discuss this with your parents because you’ll need their help.
Best wishes,
The Revenge Guy

Dear Revenge GuyHi,

my name is ryan and I’m only at school in year 8 and I always get picked on for anything all the time and I get paper balls thrown at me and I actually got bashed by someone and the kids in my class always tease me about that but I can’t think of a way to get them back

so can you please help me I really need you to please.
thankyou. ryan in australia

Revenge JokerHi Ryan,
Where I live bullying is against the law. I have to go over the obvious things here so bear with me:
Have you spoken with your parents and teachers about this? They should be made aware of what is going on, before you do anything to get back at these kids.

As it happens so often, it probably isn’t one kid, usually 2 or 3 that find it easier to pick on one kid, then a few more that laugh as it occurs, encouraging the bad ones.

So, first, be sure that your parents and teachers know what’s going on.

Then you have to understand that these kids are usually insecure about themselves and their place in the world, so to build themselves up they knock someone else down. They don’t know the harm they are doing or the hurt feelings that are truly involved, they think it’s a big joke and don’t take the victim’s (you) feelings into account.

That being said, revenge of a violent type isn’t warranted here, it’s of no use to stoop to their level. Fighting fire with fire won’t work.

What will work is getting a crowd of your own on your side, and this is done through the things you are capable of doing. For this type of revenge, showing yourself to actually be a popular guy, is the best revenge possible.

I suggest you go to your local library, maybe even the school library, and get a book on learning magic tricks. Then learn a couple of the easier ones, like the magic rings trick, and practice it until you can amaze your parents with it. You may have to buy some magic supplies, check the book you’ve gotten to see what you’ll need.

Then, once you know the trick and can perform it well, take it to school with you and amaze the cutest girl in class with it. Girls like to be amazed with magic and guys like other guys that the prettiest girl likes, it’s the way of growing up and setting relationships!

So, by creating your own popularity you’ll get your revenge and these bullies will want to hang around you, instead of pick on you.
Ryan, you can do this.

Another place to check out is, that site has lots of computer pranks, harmless, but fun. Talk with him, get your picture on the front page, that’ll boost your popularity too! (With your parents permission, of course!)
Feel free to share this email with your parents, talk about it and then get going!
Ryan, keep in touch, I want to know how things turn out for you.
Best wishes,
The Revenge Guy

Dear Revenge GuyI’m in high school and I’m kind of tiny for my age but all of my friends are huge.

Today this kid came up to me that is younger then me by 2 yrs and from two feet away he threw an apple at my face n my friends want to fight him but  want to do something better. Do you have any suggestions?

Revenge JokerHi,
Bullies are always trouble and getting revenge can be dangerous in that you might escalate the threats and fighting.
But he does need to be taken down a step or two for coming at you like that.

This is what you do:
Get a few dollars together and head over to the closest craft store. Buy yourself about 20 of those buttons that you can make yourself. You know, the kind that have the plastic cover and the pin on the back to attach to your shirt.

On each button write “I am a member of the ‘Better than XXX’ club” where XXX is this kid’s name. Pass the buttons out to all of your friends to wear.
The embarrassment will scare this punk away for good.
Best wishes,
The Revenge Guy

Dear Revenge Guy>Hey RG,
I need some revenge and lots of it this guy has been bulling me for years and i cant do anything because of his brothers they’re all in their twenty’s and would kick the shite out of any body who look funny at the guy so I need to do something that cant really be traced back to me

please please please give me some idea of what to do
from R

Revenge JokerHi R,
All I’d do is watch the guy for places that he hangs out at, then anonymously call the store and say this guy has been stealing from them. That’ll get him some attention.
Best wishes,
The Revenge Guy

Dear Revenge GuyHi Revenge Guy,
There are these three guys at my school and they are complete pricks to me. They tell everyone that I’m gay, given me a harsh nickname that I don’t want to mention because it upsets me.

As well as this they take the mess out of my looks and weight. They have stolen all of my friends (except for a small few who have also been ridiculed) who now do the same thing and I’m now alone and upset.

This has been going on for two years now and it even resulted in me thinking about taking my own life. I request your aid to get the bastards back (hopefully with something that will split them all up) and make them feel as bad as I do.
Thank you,
Guy in need

Revenge JokerHi Guy,
Handling pricks and bullies at school isn’t always easy. Usually they know who’s after them; they have a ‘gang mentality’ that makes then less fearful together than apart.
There are steps to handle them though, both inside and outside of school. The key is not getting caught.

1. Write down all the things the bully(s) has done to you, including dates and times. Talk to your parents about the abuse you’re dealing with at school. Let them know every step of the way the legal and proper things you are doing.

2. Once you have a few incidents written down, go to the school principal and get some help. If there is no help through the principal, go to the police with your journal of abuse. Have criminal charges made, if possible.

3. Contact local newspapers about harassment at your school. Write an article about it yourself detailing the abuse and send it in as a letter to the editor to your local newspaper.

4. If you have a camera (phone), take pictures of bruises, thrown books, damaged property, whatever is done to you, post them on a blog or website.

On your own, or with friends that won’t rat you out, your revenge starts:

Carefully tail the jerks when they go out places. Shopping is good. When they are in a store, go to security and report them for shop lifting. That’ll keep them busy.

Create posters for ‘Moving sales”, ‘Yard sales’ and such. Include directions for the bullies house, with his/her name on it. That will get the bully’s parents involved but you’ll have some early morning revenge.

Most of all, I’d recommend going the legal route not the revenge route. Despite the harassment you get at school, keep in mind that school does end and you have the rest of your working life to deal with the jerks that were after you.
Best wishes,
The Revenge Guy

Do you have a similar story to share with The Revenge Guy? Send it to him now! 

Article written by The Revenge Guy ©2003-2025 The Revenge Guy. This article may not be replicated, copied or distributed without prior written approval and is provided for entertainment purposes only.

Tales from the Dark Side (Volume 1 - paperback)
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I think you have received some very poor advice from the police, the county and any lawyers you’ve so...
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This is a story how a simple guy couldn’t take it any more from his abusive roommate and planned...
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Dear Revenge Guy, I have a new neighbor that moved in next door (I live in a townhouse and we share a...
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Management threatens their lawyer. The lawyer proves why this is not a great idea.
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