The Revenge Guy Helps You Get Revenge On Ex-Boyfriends and Ex-Girlfriends
Have you been wronged by a “best friend” that is now dating the person that was the love of your life?
RG can help… but only if you ask nicely… (overall, he doesn’t like to get involved in relationship issues that may be resolved in you “getting back in love” with them… Revenge is a dead end for relationships, or it isn’t revenge… think about that before you ask… thanks!
Dear Revenge Guy,
I really need to get back at this guy.
We met three years ago at a Halloween party and were really into each other, but I was in a relationship and told him up front that I was with someone and didn’t way to see anybody else.
Not long after he met a girl and really liked her. So we sort of remained friends, talked here and there over the past few years, etc.
Well over this past summer I broke up with that guy I was with, and he broke up with the girl he was with. Two or so months ago we hung out and things started from the very first day. Just a lot of flirting, goodnight kiss, etc, and went on pretty fast from there.
We started spending tons of time together, and only after two weeks or so he was asking me if I would ever want to be in a relationship with him, he wanted to be exclusive, etc. Then his ex started stalking me via AIM, checking my away messages, IMing me, etc.
This guy and I were spending almost everyday together and then this past weekend he just up and stopped talking to me. Ignoring my phone calls, etc. And now his ex is harassing me about how they’re back together, blahblahblah.
It’s not like we has anything really serious going on, but he is the one who asked me to be exclusive, got me a Valentine’s Day card that said, “be all mine…….I’m all yours!” etc. and then he gets back with his ex and just pretends like nothing happened?
He doesn’t even have the balls to call me up and say anything! I mean not even a simple, “I don’t want to see you anymore.”
I really just want to get this guy back for being such a child. I mean, at 23 years old the least you could do is man up. Help pleasseee.
Hi A,
Yes, men are stupid people sometimes.
As for revenge… well, you really didn’t give me much to go on did you…
You didn’t date, then you’re dating and he dumped you for his ex after making all kinds of promises. Fuck him.
What I would do is call the ex-girlfriend (now the girlfriend) and say you’re with the health clinic… she needs to come in and get tested.
Call him doing the same thing. Maybe even leave weird messages at his work, supposedly from his ex-not-ex biatch.
Of course there’s too… do you have any old clothes of his that he might want back? Give him something to really remember… and something that might end up on his ex-not-ex bitch too.
Best wishes,
Dear Revenge Guy,
Here’s my story first, then, hopefully, you can give me advice on how to get my revenge.
I began dating a guy in September last year, thought he was wonderful, blah blah blah, the relationship really should’ve ended in December, when he moved for school (I was living in —someplace—, at the time).
When he left in December, he left me a little gift, called herpes. He had gotten it from his ex girlfriend, whom he hadn’t dated or seen in six months, and claims he hadn’t slept with anyone in that six months. (if you could meet this guy, you’d know that to be true).
We were also in agreement that I hadn’t passed it along to him, as I’d had my yearly exam in September, and I was clean. There’s no doubt it came from him, although I find it unlikely that he was unaware of his predicament for six months. No big deal, we’d try to make it work.
Within two weeks of him leaving, my supervisor at my job found out I had gotten herpes from him. (Very specific, I’m unsure how he found out in so much detail). This particular supervisor is one of those guys who are short, try too hard to be buff, try too hard to be cool, you know the asshole. So he started telling people at my job.
Keep in mind, I just found out I have an incurable std, the person who gave it to me now lived 21 hours away (and I might have missed him some, or a lot), and I wasn’t in a very strong frame of mind.
Now, the asshole supervisor was spreading my business, and people I work with were coming to me with things like, “is it true what (boss) said? that you got an std from (guy)?”
I assumed it was no one’s business but my own. But it was out. I got revenge on the supervisor the right way.
I went to human resources with my problem, and soon my whole workplace knew. The supervisor got suspended, but not without repercussions on my behalf.
Several people despised me for having him suspended (for some reason, people liked him, especially the girl he was banging), and working became very uncomfortable.
Not to mention the people who acted like I was going to pass along my little problem to them if I touched, or talked to them. And there were the really mean ones calling me “whore” and “bitch” All in all, it was not a good experience.
The boy I got it from, was less than supportive. A lot of the time he’d ignore me, or tell me to stop “bitching”, or say he was depressed himself because he was living in a new town with no friends and family for the holidays, it hurt a lot that he would be so selfish, and discompassionate.
It tore me apart that he would treat me like everyone else was. All I wanted was for someone to talk to. It was terribly hard for me to sympathize, and I admit I did eventually get quite bitchy.
Well, it’s now later on, and I’m also living OK. Before he left, we had talked about me moving here, but not for a while. We were going to see how the relationship progressed, and if it worked out, I’d move here. I had already begun looking into the cost of housing and such (it’s quite cheap actually).
Anyway, after all that had happened (not to mention, I had lost my best friend, a guy, because he got jealous that i was dating the other guy. go figure) I decided, I still needed to get out of Delaware, even though my relationship wasn’t working. It was just too uncomfortable, and the source of too much hurt.
I’ve been in Tulsa for a month now, and some truth’s have come out. The guy I dated admitted he wasn’t there like he should have been, but I just needed to get over it all, because I was making him miserable. The nerve.
So this is what I want to do:
He is enrolled in the community college here, and I want to spread my story.
The whole story, without holding anything back.
I understand that I would also be airing my own secret (but I lived through it once already, I really don’t care anymore.)
I want him to experience what I went through. The prejudices, people hating him for what he did.
People may even hate me for telling it. He may even hate me more. I also don’t even care about that. As long as he experiences what I went through, so I can also tell him to “just get over it.”
What should I do?
Hi Angie,
While I really feel for you, you’ve been put through a terrible ordeal, I think you need some counseling help. This bitterness is not a good outlet, it will color your life forever.
That’s my take on this.
As far as getting him back… use a call service to follow his moves, call the school say he’s dropping out, call where he works as his gay lover, his venereal disease doctor, whatever it takes.
As for your story coming out with revenge being taken, the idea here is that it’s not your story. Revenge should not force you to reveal your identity, although he may guess it’s you, I’d try to keep your name away from associating with his as much as possible.
I have created for you a special poster, all you need to do is print it out, paste a picture of him on it then post them everywhere.
Best wishes,
Hi RG,
Last Christmas I started dating an amazing guy, we will call him Tall, and was dating him for 11 months.
Thing became very serious very fast and he proposed to me.
This remained a secret because it was too soon, however.
He and I had everything planned out, go to university together move in together.
Looking back I realize how young I am for this, but I was happy at least.
Towards the end of the relationship we were fighting a lot, and mostly because I expected a certain amount of respect from him, but he always had to be the funny guy and was making fun of me a lot.
He would call me like a dog when he was around his friends and was just very rude.
In the end Tall left me because he felt I was too conservative while he was too liberal.
He was truly sorry for it, he didn’t want to hurt me and was very honest.
It’s been a month since we separated and he has a new girlfriend, lets call her Fink.
Tall and I remained friends through the breakup, we talked every day and I was handling things okay.
Fink is my best friend, she helped me through he breakup, but it appears she was helping Tall too. She of all people knows how very hard it was for me, and she knows I still love him.
She went completely against me and betrayed me. At this point words aren’t doing any good, and I want some revenge!
I need to be sneaky about it, but I want them both to feel slightly miserable, because both promised to respect me.
Thank you,
Desperate for revenge
Hi Desperate,
To feel “slightly sneaky” about revenge isn’t usually a request that I honor.
Revenge should not be taken lightly. Revenge is not a “Ha ha!” to be spoken of later on.
But, I believe that this guy cheated on you, if not in actual action, then in thought and mind.
And this girl, your best friend, orchestrated the dissolution of your relationship while speaking out of the side of her mouth to you.
That being said, all I can gather from your email is that you are late teens, early twenties, possibly living away from home but most likely not, you have not had many boyfriends, indeed, with him this may have only been the only serious relationship you’ve had.
Whew… almost blew a brain cell there… LOL…
So, what I suggest will be effective, and get the most BANG for your buck!
Stir the pot… raise some questions… maybe even break them up…
But most of all, have some fun…
And make them “slightly curious” about the other romantic possibilities available to them.
Best wishes,
Dear Revenge Guy,
I have just gotten out of an abusive relationship that lasted for about a year.
The relationship has caused me much distress and I am now seeing a therapist because of this. Over the course of the relationship, I had a particular “friend” that I confided in. This “friend”, Jenn, allowed me to cry on her shoulder, offered advice when needed, and became someone that I thought I could really trust. Eventually the relationship came to a horrible and stressful ending and i continued to confide in my “friend”.
Not even a month after the break-up, she began showing interest in my ex and would tell mutual friends “Paul and I hooked up this weekend…. but don’t tell Bethany!” I confronted her about this and told her that I cannot control who she dates, but it would be hard for me to remain her friend if she chose him over me. She lied to my face numerous times and told me nothing was going on between them and tried to hide everything from me even more.
This in particular really pissed me off and now they are officially together. Whenever I walk past the two of them, she smirks at me as if attempting to rub it in my face. So RG, I was wondering if you had any ideas for revenge on Jenn! All of our mutual friends have since taken my side after facing betrayal from her as well, and insist that I do something about this. I apologize for the length of this e-mail, but I am very interested in hearing some of your ideas. Thank you! -Bethany, CA
Hi Bethany,
There are often times when friends are not friends and are really only using you for something you have.
When their true colors are finally revealed, and the unthinkable happens, the betrayal can be very hard to deal with.
I commend you on getting therapy and trying to put this awful thing behind you.
But there are two people to get revenge on here, aren’t there?
Paul is just as guilty, if not more, than this Jenn person. Even though Jenn has used the events in your life to take advantage of things Paul must shoulder his full part of the blame here as well.
I suggest, in the holiday season, that you send Jenn, and separately Paul, some holiday cards. Include suggestive words of hidden relationships, pictures of nudity of the supposed ‘other person’.
Let them have a happy holiday season thinking the other is cheating on them.
Candy and flowers works well too, anonymously sent with love cards included.
And never forget the luxury of fake jewelry as a gift too.
Best wishes,
The Revenge Guy
Dear RG,
This guy I was seeing until about two weeks ago is totally psycho. He lies all the time. Literally. I told him I was seeing someone else and it completely pissed him off so he has been doing mean stuff to me for the last couple of weeks. He stole my dog, lied to me about more things than I can count, and most recently threatened me with planting something illegal in my car.
He won’t take no for an answer. I’ve even gone as far as to tell him I’m messing around with numerous other guys. He called my mom and tried to tell her a bunch of lies about me. I have had enough and I want him to pay. I’m pretty good at the revenge thing, but I need something really good this time. By the way, my mom didn’t believe him. She thinks he’s a raving lunatic who needs to be committed. Help me get him in a way he will never, ever forget.
Ann, Arkansas
Hi Ann,
Such perseverance from a terrible guy does deserve something drastic. It will be the only way to get the point across to him to leave you alone.
But first, I’m going to make some assumptions about your relationship with him. You met him by way of him introducing himself to you and had a couple of dates. He’s not part of your usual crowd of friends, so you can’t just get one of your friends to tell him to get lost.
Here’s what I suggest:
Throw a “Loser Party” in his honor.
Go to a place that you both went to, a bar or club, and ask the manager if you can get put up some posters featuring this guy’s face and a time and date for the party. Be sure that the poster states that it’s a party for a loser and the reason why you are having it – so he’ll get lost! Then invite him to the bar or club, without him knowing the reason why.
He’ll show up expecting to meet you, but you won’t be there and he’ll be surrounded by other people that know why he’s there. Heck, he can even keep one of the posters as a souvenir.
If he contacts you after the “party” tell him you’re going to blanket the city with the posters, and have multiple “Loser Parties” until he gets the message.
If that doesn’t scare him off, call the police and get a restraining order on him.
Tell me how it all works out for you.
Best wishes,
The Revenge Guy