This is where you read revenge stories about families and life

Real people have written in to ask The Revenge Guy for advice so they can get revenge on family members, you can read their stories here.

You date, you get intimate, you get married, you break up or divorce. This is what happens next.

People that have been dating or married have written in to ask The Revenge Guy for advice so they can get revenge on ex friends, boyfriends and girlfriends, spouses that are now exes, and this is what I told them.

Work Sucks! And having Bad Co-Workers and Bad Bosses Makes It Even Worse!

People that have jobs write in to ask The Revenge Guy for advice so they can get revenge on their workplace, businesses that have done them wrong, as well as revenge on people they work with.

Neighbors: When To Get Even

The Revenge Guy needs your help to get the word out, please share this story!

Do you need a little help getting even with neighbors that have done you wrong? Maybe an oldie but a goodie revenge technique is just what you need to help you get even and regain your stature as a self-reliant, not to be messed with, person. You know, we’ve all had bad neighbors. Heck, when we were younger, when our parents were away, we were the bad neighbors. And revenge requires that certain steps are first taken before the ‘getting even action’ begins.

So here is RG’s “Steps of Revenge Preparation”

  • document everything in a journal, make notes of dates, times, events, everything, leave nothing out and write down your entries on the day they happen
  • protect your family and property with video surveillance
  • contact your local city council (residential condominium strata council if you live in such a development) and understand the bylaws as they pertain to your situation

These simple steps, although time consuming, are necessary to make any type of revenge successful.

I have learned, over all, that there are no “good” upstairs neighbors. After all, no one ever (as far as I can remember and I have the memory of an elephant) has complained about their downstairs neighbors. So, if you’re in the position of having to move into a place that has upstairs and downstairs neighbors, be the person on top. Or I’m sure I’ll hear from you soon enough.

Can I Beat The Neighbors At Their Own Game? Read on…

Dear Revenge GuyHi Revenge Guy,
This is a fairly recent problem.

I have lived next door 6 years (houses are very close) to a fairly wealthy younger than me couple who have 5 children ranging from 1-12. They recently extended their already huge house to a more huge house.

A couple of times I have asked the kids to stop bashing on the fence early in the morning and once I knocked on their door because their dog had barked constantly for hours. So a couple of months ago their dog barked constantly until around 2.30am (the dog is locked in the pool area which is right next to my bedroom window).

Their bedrooms are all located on the other side front of their house. I got up at 2.30am and wrote a nice note saying “Neighbor, its 2.30am and your dog hasn’t stopped barking could you please do something about it”. In response I received a 3 page extremely nasty letter, telling me to get ear plugs, about my boyfriend’s motor bike, about my mother cats etc., etc.

I went and spoke to them and thought I had sorted it out, maybe? I then get a visit from my neighbour’s across the road who tell me that their old busy body neighbour had come to tell them that my neighbour’s had given me some home truths in a letter. I was so upset that I started playing music (pretty loud but not late). I then get a visit from the police telling me my neighbour, who I obviously had a problem with, had complained and I needed to turn down my music (this was at 8.30pm by no means late). Ever since I think my neighhbour is trying to get me to sell and move, they have now installed a skate ramp right next to the fence next to my bedroom window. The fence seems to be used as the buffer.

I just don’t know what to do. I’m 50 I live with my 74 year old mother and we are both very quiet. What can I do, I’m just about to have a nervous breakdown. I need a revenge to get them back and something they can’t pin on me. Neighbor husband is an engineer. His wife is fat and ugly, she is a home breeder. We do not have the same friends and I don’t have their phone number but know their names.
-Very Tired Homeowner

Revenge JokerHi Tired,
You are in a difficult position, there’s no doubt of that but it is time to fight back, so to speak.

Start with talking to your neighbors about your troubles. Video tape the offenses these people are making and be sure you capture all of the noise. Share this with the neighbors that are on your side. You need help from them. Youtube too maybe?

Check out your city planning department, once you have this evidence, about what they might be able to help you with. Doesn’t their property tax go up with the improvements they have made? Everyone loves the tax man coming for a visit.

Talk to your local city representative, the more noise you make the more fuel you add to your righteous fire.

Contact the local animal authority as well, dogs barking in the middle of the night are bad news for everyone and there’s usually fines that go along with that.

Detail everything and finally call your local TV and newspapers – bad neighbors make great news stories, especially considering your mother’s age.

I wouldn’t worry about being found out, they’ve pretty much have a household out of control and everyone knows it, shame can be a great motivator to get your neighbors under control.

Dear Revenge GuyDear Revenge Guy,
About 6 years ago we purchased a vacation home by the. Everyone there was nice. Except for this one family…

I need some advice on what to do with them. Here are a few stories on all of them:

1. The husband. He seems to feel he is a “Decision Maker” for everything.

An example would be with the road. All because his driveway dips down a bit, so it sometimes puddles there when it rains, made him have the town raise the road a few inches, which wasn’t really all that bad. However, we have an in-ground pool close to the street with several expensive items around it, so we had to spend about $500 getting paneling so the next rain doesn’t pile up in the road and wash everything away. Not to mention overflow the pool.

He has actually annoyed the whole town. Not to mention he has a criminal record.

Oh-one more thing. One of our good neighbors said he washes his cars in OUR DRIVEWAY when we’re not around. He also parks his car in our driveway when we’re not around. He also did something that made my car battery die. I truly hate him.

2.The wife-Sometimes annoying. Here is another story:

I’ve always had stray cats around my vacation home. I never want them to starve, so I feed them. There was this one cat who came every day. About 2 weeks later, I noticed that she had 2 small kittens. I noticed later that they lived under another neighbor’s shed.

I planned to either adopt them or give them to a relative who’s cat recently died.

Well guess what-after the wife found out we were feeding cats and that they lived next to them, I instantly knew by the way she acted that she was going to get them removed and probably killed.

They were not even on her property, and she still thinks she can get them taken killed!!!! She knew I was going to adopt them, but, still!!!!!! The nerve!!!!!!

I am, at the moment, arranging plans to report this to the authorities, but I haven’t succeeded yet. I really hope I can adopt them! They are adorable!

3. The son:

He is somewhere in his thirties, and owns a small company that resells computers and other technological items to businesses.

When my computer broke, I decided to get one from him. It was good overall, but I needed something else. I left him a voicemail message telling him I wanted it.

What does he do?

He charges my credit card without verifying or asking me what I wanted in any way!!!!!!

One more thing-He charged us more than $100 more than it retails for, and raised it more than $50 than he said it sells for!!!!

I can’t believe I was ripped off.

So, you see, I just can’t live with these people in my neighborhood.

They’re a menace to society!!!!! Sometimes I feel like taking a siren (I have a Federal Model A, for you siren fans) and setting it right off in they’re yard!!!
Thank you,

Revenge JokerHi Paul,
Yes, you need to take matters into your own hands.

We’ll start from the last:

3. If he sold you a computer and charged your credit card without authorization you should have immediately (as soon as you found out) called the credit card company and had the charge reversed. If you don’t do this, who will look after your credit?

2. Call the authorities… don’t jump top conclusions, all that does is raise the blood pressure.

1. Get a video surveillance system, they’re cheap enough.

Catch him in the act and call the police. AND, if your neighbors are talking about what he does in your driveway when you’re away, get them to take some pictures! Someone has to watch over your property when you’re not there! Make friends, watch each other’s backs!

And get the info and do all you legally can to this jerk.

You didn’t give me an idea of what you actually know about these people, names, jobs, phone numbers, address, etc…

If you have any of that, start a campaign of posters “For rent” around town with their place on it. Do the same with their phone number, a “moving sale” with cheaply priced furniture will get the calls coming for them.
Go get’em!

Dear Revenge GuyDear Revenge Guy,
I have loud neighbors.

They have 3 Harley bikes I told them to please stop revving the bikes by my house.

Now they rev more. What can I do?

Revenge JokerHi,
The first thing I have to ask is:
Do you want to be friends or enemies with your neighbors?

Talk to them again about why the noise is disturbing. Thank them for keeping the noise to reasonable hours.

Talk to your other neighbors and have them also speak to the guys making the noise. Complaints are better when focused by a group rather than an individual.

Call the police and complain about the noise. Suggest that the motorcycles may be unlicensed, uninsured, hazardous drivers, and so on.
Keep a detailed journal of their comings and goings and the ensuing noise.
Talk to your neighbors and start a petition concerning noise control. Take the petition to your city councillor.

Call the police again.

Put up a fence and sue them for the cost of it.
Install video cameras or have one handy to record the noise and problems these neighbors are causing.

Keep the pressure up about their poor behavior. Keep neighbors and the police and city hall involved in your “loss of enjoyment of property”. Call a lawyer and threaten to sue.

Threaten to sue your noisy neighbors.

Threaten to sue city hall for not enforcing noise bylaws.

Along the side of your property that abuts their property start storing garbage. Let the smell fester so that they won’t want to be outside anymore.
Park your car in the street, not in your driveway. Get them to drive around it.
Water your yard. A lot. Let the water flood the street. Let them drive through the mess.

Start outdoor parties for the local children. Offer free sodas, meet the kids parents. Keep the street busy during the usual noisy periods and force them to behave.

Best wishes,
The Revenge Guy

Dear Revenge GuyDear Revenge Guy,
I love your website. I was hoping you could help me with my pain in the ass neighbor.

My wife and I have a cat that likes to walk through his back yard sometimes. Our yard is fenced but the cat just climbs over and likes to sit under a tree in his yard.

Our butthead neighbor has three dogs that chase my cat away. No big deal if the cats in his yard. However, this evening I caught him opening the front door to let his dog out so it could chase my cat out of our own front yard. This is the third time I caught him urging his dogs on my cat while he was in his own yard.

I called the S.P.C.A. and all they did is inform him that he can set a trap in his yard to catch my cat. I know he will set a trap and bait it with tuna.

If and when he catches my cat, and every other cat in the neighborhood, he will torture it and most likely kill him. What do you suggest I do?

I don’t want to keep my cat indoors all day, a prisoner in his own home.

By the way there is so much dog crap in his yard I can’t open my windows without the odor fumigating my entire house. Hope you can suggest something. I really hate this guy.

Revenge JokerHi Greg,
It’s a known fact that cats that are outdoor wander around. They dig in gardens, all that stuff. Generally they aren’t a nuisance as much as the people that complain about them.

I’d like to know why the SPCA told your neighbor to trap the cat after talking to you. That seems suspicious to me, unless the cat is destroying property I’m not sure someone is allowed to put out animal traps on their suburban property. You need to check your local bylaws about this.

You need to either decide that you have to keep the cat inside, or figure out a way to protect it outside.

As well, you need to take your complaints to city hall about your neighbor. It’s time to get the video camera out. Get video of the dogs misbehaving. Get video of the dog crap all over the place (a likely health hazard!). Get video of your idiot neighbor being a jerk. The more video evidence you have the better off you’ll be when this confrontation escalates. And get worse it will.

Of course, I’d also start throwing chunks of cheese over the fence for the dogs to eat. Old cheddar really messes with a dog’s poo. They get the runs and farts real bad. Just don’t get caught tossing it over.

And if your jerk neighbor does decide to put out traps, I’d start littering his yard in the middle of the night with dry cat food. Let him catch all the cats he wants until he’s so tired of dealing with them that he gives up, hehe.

Best wishes,
The Revenge Guy

Dear Revenge GuyDear Revenge Guy,
I cannot seem to keep a car for very long because middle-age women in Chevy Blazers like to run stop signs and hit me.

A few months ago, I bought my first car, a cheap Honda Civic. Only after one month, a woman in a Chevy Blazer ran a stop sign and hit my car. I had a typical insurance battle, everything went smooth in the end with the decent amount for the car they gave me, and got myself a Ford Probe out of it.

This car was in excellent condition. I just had it for four months when, low and behold, another woman in a Chevy Blazer runs a stop sign and demolishes it. I got screwed out of $1000 by the insurance company, and am still mourning the loss of my “baby”.

There was no damage to her car, and I am just furious that I have to suffer because of bad drivers. I am a college student (an art major if it matters), and therefore do not have money to hire a lawyer and such, or the time to deal with it besides at 3 in the morning, because of the fact I am a struggling working student.

I believe that she should have to pay for smashing my dream. The worst part is that I couldn’t get a rental car right away because I am under 21, which is the minimal age to rent a car at the rental companies around my area. This really put a halt on my life because I commute an hour every day.

I seriously have nightmares about Chevy Blazers now, and need to come to closure from this in a way that won’t get me arrested.

Please help me, I am sick of being screwed by women in Chevy Blazers!
Ms. Chevy Blazer Magnet

Revenge JokerHi Ms. Chevy Blazer Magnet,
I feel for you, I really do.

But I’m not sure what you can do against all the drivers of Chevy Blazers out there other than to try your best to steer clear.

I do hope that you can find a lawyer on a contingency basis to sue the lady that left you underpaid for your car.

SUV’s in general are driven, for the most part, by asses. These people park however they want, the don’t shoulder check when changing lanes and they cut other drivers off all the time. And never mind their cell phone usage while driving a car full of kids around.

Geesh, it’s really an unsafe world out there.

Of course, you could make some custom bumper stickers up (you can get the blanks at any office supplies store and print your own) that say “I am a careless Blazer driver” and stick them on the back bumpers of all the Blazers you see.

Helping to warn others will help you overcome your fears and provide you with the revenge you seek

Best wishes,
The Revenge Guy

Dear Revenge GuyDear Revenge Guy,
I have a next door neighbor who is obsessed with his lawn. Many of my neighbors are, but not to this extent.

He mows it several times a week and takes an entire day to mow each time. It takes him four-five hours approximately to mow half an acre with a riding mower. Then he gets out a push mower and mows again.

If it is nice the next day, he gets out the riding mower and does it a second time. Nothing like having a nice short lawn!. He has no job, so there is no incentive for him to go anywhere except out to fuss with his yard.

Now I wouldn’t care, except I work at home, and the riding mower’s noise is beyond obnoxious (90 plus decibels). When I close all my windows and turn on the stereo, I can still hear vibrations going through everything and the china rattling. I would sabotage the mower except I don’t know where he keeps it, and I don’t want to get in trouble for trespassing.

Also calling the police when he was at it during the night didn’t work either. Please don’t suggest asking nicely to restrict the noise – asking inconsiderate jerks nicely for anything has never worked in my life. Thanks.

Revenge JokerHi Grateful,
If had a neighbor like that and after talking to him his behavior didn’t change I’d start a major campaign against him.

First off I’d get myself a video camera and record him mowing his lawn for a couple of times a week, so I have visual evidence of his compulsive behavior and the noise level. I’d follow up with a noise level meter to record the actual noise levels.

Some communities have bylaws that limit the amount of noise pollution that things can give off. I’d take all of the recordings down to city hall and start complaining. Maybe start a blog about this bad neighbor too. Sometimes when the info is online public officials tend to work a little harder. Maybe even you can get one of the city councilors to your home when he starts mowing so they can experience the trouble first hand.

I’d put up a big 4×8 foot plywood sign detailing the trouble with the neighbor that always mows. Something like “Can you hear what I hear when he mows his lawn 3 times a week?” Nothing rude or upsetting, just an explanation or apology to the other neighbors and travelers that come near the noise. Try to embarrass the guy a little but not too much.

I’d think about a loud outdoor stereo system, to blast back. A type of sound war, if the above didn’t work.

Best wishes,
The Revenge Guy

Dear Revenge GuyDear Revenge Guy,
I live in a trailer park that the houses are close together.

There is a annoying woman that claims she works nights. So on the weekends when I’m home working on the house she has come up and yelled for sawing wood, yelled at my son for mowing lawn. She’s even yelled at our neighbors for music on it their own house.

Last weekend the hag called the cops on us cause we had music going in our house, no not speakers propped up against the windows either, just music going so we could hear through out the house. We didn’t get ticketed but this women is getting worse. The cop even said he could hardly hear the music.

This goes on in the middle of the afternoons, on the weekends, like at 2 o’clock pm. I need some help dealing with this hag.

The cops say since there a complaint they have to come. What should I do? I feel like a prisoner in my own house afraid to make a noise or the cops will come. HELP!!

Revenge JokerHi,
You need to be proactive here, since this freaky neighbor really has no reason to call the cops on you.

This is what I’d do:
1. Call the local city council and get a copy of the local noise bylaws. Make sure you read it and understand it. Keep a copy of it handy for the next time she complains so you can give it to her.

2. Call the police and talk to someone in charge about the harassment you are getting with her calling the police on you for unfounded noise complaints, contrary to the bylaws. If you present your case well enough, they’ll talk to her and then stop responding to her complaints.

3. Talk to your neighbors, it’s likely they have to put up with the same crap. Make sure they know how to deal with her as well and start a petition against her. Maybe that will help to force her to move out.

4. Talk to the park management or owners, make sure they understand the hell she’s putting you through with her unfounded and outrageous complaints. Along with your petition and support from your neighbors they may step in and talk with her.

5. Start weekly outdoor get-togethers with your neighbors, as an excuse to be a little louder than normal. It’s innocent enough and is she really going to come out after all of you? Sure she will. Have a video camera handy and with the ensuing screaming that she’ll make take the evidence down to the courthouse and file a complaint and a restraining order against her.

6. Don’t change how you are living your life, don’t let her win. Stand up to her and help her to understand that just because she has to kill chickens in the middle of the night to have a job it isn’t your problem and if she needs peace and quiet, to move somewhere else.

Best wishes,
The Revenge Guy

Dear Revenge GuyHi Revenge Guy,
I became friends with a neighborhood kid down the street. I would give him work and help him and his mother when they requested it. When the boy came over he would bring his small dog because the dog would like the company with my dogs. Well when the mother would ask to borrow money or ask for help I would help out though it got to be I would have to bug her to get my money back. She would expect and give nothing in return not even appreciation.

They decided to move to another state and asked if I would take their dog for a couple weeks until they could send the money to have the dog sent up there. I accepted. Weeks, months went by and no money. We would talk on the phone and they wanted me to send the dog up and they would pay me back.

Well, knowing from experience I told them to send the money first. In the meantime the dog ran out and got hit by a car. I rushed took her to a animal emergency to try and safe her life. To save the dog cost almost $4000 in vet bills. She is a healthy dog now. That was my decision to save the dog and she is a great dog. When I told my x-neighbor what happened they acted like they did not want the dog anymore and would not want to even communicate with me like I am no longer a friend.

Well, I knew it was my decision to spend the money and save the dog but no gratitude at all. I love the dog and I am glad I saved her but if they would have sent the money from the start like was promised and agreed on, none of this would have happened. They have been taking advantage of my giving from the start. They probably got another pet by now.

I want to get revenge but I don’t know how since they are about 1000 miles away. I am upset because all I’ve done was to help them and when I just need some moral support they have nothing to do with me. I want to get them revenge.
Thanks, DJ

Revenge JokerHi DJ,
It sure sucks to be taken advantage like that.

I really hate people that feel it’s your obligation to help them out, then they aren’t even grateful for the help!

Revenge against people like this sure is sweet.

Here’s what I suggest:
The dog that you now have has been discovered! Yes, this dog is exactly what a casting agent decided her next commercial needs in it. The pay is great too! $3,000.00 per commercial and a residual every time the commercial is run on TV.
You’ve struck it rich! You’re sure to make big $ from this dog. And this is only the beginning! There could be more commercials. Movies. The sky is the limit.

And this is the story I’d tell them the next time you hear from them. And I’d be sure to tell them to not call anymore. Don’t put this in writing. Over the phone only. No emails, nothing written down.

I hope this helps!

Best wishes,
The Revenge Guy

Dear Revenge GuyHi, great site.

HELP. I rent a small piece of land that I have built a small motocross track. Of course I had problems with a neighbor. So he called the cops several times on us but we were legal so the cops did nothing.

So he called the zoning board. Again we were legal. So he some how got a hold of the insurance company that insures the land and they shut us down.

Now after four long years of building a great track it is gone due to one asshole.

I want to do something but I also know that I will be the first suspect if something shady happens. PLEASE HELP!
Pissed MXer

Revenge JokerHi Pissed,
I don’t know why you want to do something shady, I’d think of annoying first and foremost.

Get a copy of the insurance papers and read them, see what can and can’t be done on the property.

Then I’d start renting the field out to rock bands to practice, RC (Remote Control) plane clubs. Find out about what can be done and do it. The more noise the better.

You could even place posters up telling of an upcoming event, only to be cancelled because of your neighbor, that will get people stirred up against him.

Have you told your story to the local newspapers yet? They love this type of neighborhood feud story.

Best wishes,
The Revenge Guy

Dear Revenge GuyHi Revenge Guy,
Well i made a foolish decision and signed a contract with a company and handed them over $110.00 I did some research and found out legally if i go back within 5 days i can cancel the contract and take back my money… They refused. the only option now is to get a lawyer and take them to court but that’s only gonna cost me more. I wanna get dirty and show them they cant f**k over everyone without gettin f**ked back. They are located in an office space on the 9th floor of a building.

I have considered and probably will make numerous calls to various pizza delivery stores with huge orders from “there place of business”. next i have contemplated pushing fart bombs under the door during there business hours, going to there place of business b4 they open and leave a pile of horse manure and or Fish guts all over the carpet and door in front of there office.

My last plan of attack was to spray mace also know as bear spray or pepper spray into there office during business hours making breathing incredibly hard, tears to pore from there eyes, and a burning sensation all over.

However i would like some other ideas to get these people back. hope to hear from you soon.

Why would you want to open yourself up to legal problems from them? If they have ripped you off, they’ve ripped others off just as successfully.

I’d picket their office with a sign and handouts stating what the problem is, how you got ripped off. Have someone call the local TV and radio news stations, maybe you’ll get lucky and it’ll be a slow news day and you make the 6:00 news.

Spend a few hours getting the attention your plight deserves will be the best revenge. Plus you just may get your money back!
Best wishes,
The Revenge Guy

Dear Revenge GuyDear Revenge Guy,
In trying to find a tenant for a condo I just purchased, I have placed numerous “For Rent” signs on the corner of my block, between someone’s sidewalk and the street, completely out of the way.

The signs seem to disappear after a few days each time I put one up.

I’d love to catch the “thieving bastard” or at least get even with the person….any ideas?

Hi D,
Go to your local hardware store and get the slowest slow-drying paint or glue you can get. They have stuff that can take days to dry.

When you put up your next sign, cover the back with it.
That’ll teach the thieving bastards a lesson!

Best wishes,
The Revenge Guy

Hi RG,
I live in a basement apartment and have a real problem with the guy that lives upstairs.

He’s an artist and a real a@@hole. He works at night at home, starting around 11pm. He always has friends coming over for a party when he paints. He says it helps him to be inspired. I know it’s just so he can party and smoke pot with his friends.

The noise keeps me up and since I have a regular day job, it’s really hard on me.

The owner of the house won’t do anything. He talks to the guy, says it won’t happen again, but the noise and parties always start again. I can’t afford to move out and need advice on what I can do to get revenge. I’m a 5’4″ girl, so beating him up isn’t going to work.

Any suggestions?

Hi Susan,
Fighting fire with fire isn’t going to work here. Since you have a job and he’s a stay at home bum, he really has the upper hand.

But of course, he does have to sleep sometime. This is what I suggest: get yourself the loudest alarm clock you can get. Something with a constant buzzer and set it for an hour after you leave for work.

It’s likely that he sleeps while you’re at work, and ‘forgetting’ to reset your alarm a few times will start to send him a message. Another favorite of mine is to pay attention to when he showers.

Then, every once in a while, run your hot water about an hour before his usual shower time. Drain all the hot water. Let him experience a few cold showers.

If he complains to you, and he will, just apologize and forget about it. Start again in a few days, just like he does. You might also want to start cooking smelly things. Fish is good. There’s nothing like the rising odor of a good fish meal to really fill the air.

Your goal here is everyday living that becomes aggravating to him. Nothing too obvious. With luck, he’ll get the message, clean up his act or just move out.
Best wishes,
The Revenge Guy

Dear Revenge Guy,
I live alone in a nice house, in a nice part of town. But my neighbor takes advantage of the fact that I only put out one can of garbage a week and he has more that the city will allow him to put out.

He’s always sneaking some of his garbage out beside mine so the garbage men will take it.

Sometimes his bags break when they come to pick it up and I end up cleaning up the mess when I come home from work. What can I do to get even with him without causing a lot of trouble in my neighborhood?
Trashed On in Heartvale

Hi Trashed On,
Some people just feel it’s their right to take advantage of the property of others and this is exactly what this guy is doing. It would be easy to say “Report him” to the local bylaw office or city hall, but I don’t believe that you really want to get him in serious trouble, I think you just want him to keep his trash to himself.

I’ll also bet that you leave for work near the same time when he does, so you’ve seen him do it, so just returning his garbage to his front yard probably isn’t an option you’d like to take (avoid the confrontation).

So, this is what I suggest you do: Dig out your old tax bill and scan it into your computer (you have a scanner, don’t you?), then with the OCR program and a little trial and error, you can fake a bill or official looking letter for extra taxes due to the amount of garbage you are putting out each week.

Then with official-looking bill/letter in hand, pay a visit to your neighbor and ask him if he’s noticed anything going on. This will get the message across that he’s doing something that is going to cost you and it should, I hope, guilt him into either confessing, or at the least, stopping his behavior.
Best wishes,
The Revenge Guy

Dear Revenge GuyDear Revenge Guy,
Here is my problem: I have a basketball hoop in front of my house and my kids play ball in the street.

Good kids, no problems, stay out of trouble but my asshole neighbor doesn’t like it so he parks his car in front of the hoop so they can’t play. He has called the police, wrote letters to the village board and both have said no law is being broken and we’re doing nothing wrong so now he parks on our side of street under the hoop so the kids can’t play. The kids don’t play all the time and are not allowed after dark. He is just being a ass. Also he won’t do it when I’m home only when I’m at work. He is not elderly, probably 40-45 yrs old.

Please give me a great idea so I can get him not to park there or something I can get him with.
Thank you, Hoops

Revenge JokerHi

Put up a sign near the hoop, “Please, no rock throwing at the hoops!”

Hopefully he’ll get the idea that his car is in danger.

If that didn’t work I would buy a second basketball hoop.
Place them 30 feet apart.
Let the kids go wild.

Get some street chalk and draw out a basketball court. Make sure one of the ‘out of bounds’ lines borders on his property lines. Clearly write “Out Of Bounds” on your side of the line with arrows pointing towards his side of the street.
Best wishes,
The Revenge Guy 


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Article written by The Revenge Guy ©2003-2025 The Revenge Guy. This article may not be replicated, copied or distributed without prior written approval and is provided for entertainment purposes only.

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